Sunday, February 09, 2014

Metal Gods of Ur-Hadad Zine Issue #1 Now Available!

Congratulation to my fellows +Adam Muszkiewicz, +Edgar Johnson and +Wayne Snyder for making this real. I hope this is the first of many more.

Also remember that, as Adam said in his blog, "half of the proceeds from the sale of the pdf [soon available from the usual sites] will go to support StandUp For Kids, a non-profit, non-partisan organization that works to fight teenage homelessness".

Well done guys!

Monday, December 16, 2013

DCC with Doug Kovacs

On Thursday 12th I showed up, after some missed sessions, to our Metal Gods of Ur-Hadad game. To my surprise, the session was to be directed by +Doug Kovacs!

After some technical problems on my side, I finally joined the hangout and enjoyed an awesome and crazy session. Thanks Doug! As always, I took notes for future reference when I write the session recap.

Only now I had time to write it, and I was almost done with the session recap, when I remembered something. There was really no session ending, since Doug was something like "...well guys, this is all I've got now...", and stuff like that, and then everyone thanked him heartily and then we all left.

So there I was, looking at what I've just written, about to hit the "Publish" button, when I realized, "Shit, were we play testing something and I'm about fuck things up? I need to ask someone!"

Luck check made, I found +Edgar Johnson online, who was getting ready to go to his daughter's band concert. He kindly gave me a minute and, when asked, confirmed my fears. The orginal post got deleted right away and I wrote this one instead.

Thanks to the Metal Gods!

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Gaming update

This is what I've played since my penultimate post:


On September 26th, October 3rd, 10th (missed this one) and 17th, the Metal Gods of Ur-Hadad crew carried the Super Secret Playtest sessions of the now published Blood for the Serpent King adventure by +Edgar Johnson.

On October 24th we celebrated the Metal Gods of Ur-Hadad's First Anniversary with a funnel adventure!

On November 7th , +Adam Muszkiewicz  started In The Shadow Of The Silicon God with the survivors of the Anniversary gameDuring the Festival of Ajman Adan, the Patron of Pins and Needles, the Grand Vizier of Ur-Hadad comes under attack and only the adventurers can protect His Eminence from death! But who are the mysterious cultists and what are their plans for the First City?


On November 30th +Jason Hobbs set up a game, Zelkor's Ferry, in which we begun exploring the ruins of Rappan Athuk. Never played ACKS before and I enjoyed it a lot. Even though I have a Bard with the worst name ever, thanks to the random name generator from WotC site: Davfalcon Falconfligth. Anyway, hope we can play again and continue delving deeper into its dungeons.

Cards Against Humanity

On December 6th we hosted a small gathering of friends at home. Our kid was staying with the granpas, so we were not to worry about making some noise. We had downloaded and printed in advance the fan translation in Spanish (AR) of the free version of the game. All of us have had previous experience in different RPGs and tabletop games, but none of us had played CAH before. Those who were more skeptical about how fun it would be, ended up making the most points! We didn't play exactly by the rules: everyone took cards from the deck after each round or dropped a card that was too specific for Argentine (politicians or entertainment figures). All in all everyone had a blast and the game lasted up to 4am. :)

More DCC!

After missing a couple of sessions, on December 8th I had the chance to play again in RPGPundit's game (+Kasimir Urbanski). I also had the chance to meet new players, Philip and his sons, Sebastian and Benjamin. I've never had the opportunity to see father and sons together in a RPG session, and I found it was awesome that they shared the hobby. I wish I could do the same with mine in the future.

Friday, December 06, 2013

And one day it finally arrived...

It's been a while since my last post I know.

Anyway, back in September I ordered "The Dungeon Alphabet" and I expected to receive it way before my birthday, which is in November. 

But weeks passed and there were no news about the book. I even got in contact with Goodman Games to know when it had been shipped and calculate when it might arrive to Uruguay. I must say that Keith LeBaw, from Goodman Games, was always willing to answer my several mails on the matter. 

At some point he offered if I wanted a refund or to have another copy sent. I chose the latter since the book has been on my wishlist for a long time. And when all hope was lost, it arrived and I found the reason why it took so long to reach these latitudes. 

Yes, to UGANDA in Africa instead to URUGUAY in South America. Hello, they're different countries in different continents. Geez, I'm not in the "here be dragons..." part of the map. Somebody at the USPS needs to learn some geography...

If the second copy has already been shipped I plan to sell it and donate what I get to charity.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

RPGpundit's DCC game

What you're about to read happens in the only world that survived the End of the Universe, which was rescued by the only existing God, now gone mad.

The elves are hipsters that live locked in their domed metal cities. They have technology, which they know how to use it, but don't know how to fix or create it anymore. Outside of the elven cities, a zombie Apocalypse almost wiped the human race. Dwarves are said to have been expelled from their mountain strongholds by the Green Races (goblins, orcs and such). Haven't seen any halflings yet, and the swamp giants are nothing but straw-gnawing rednecks that barter with our community.

Three of not-so-hipster elves from the Rose Dome, who called themselves adventurers, came to our hamlet looking for some ruins. They said were looking for a musical cube that roamed the swamp and killed some giants with lightning. Who can believe such a nonsense? Anyway, Theck the sludge cludger (I rather call him manure technician) took these elves to my shack, while I was reading the runes to "The Other" Kenneth, an elven barista also from the Rose Dome who wanted to be an adventurer but was stranded in our miserable community. 

So there there were Bill and his brother Ted, with "Proper" Kenneth and his hawlcon (some kind of breed between hawk and falcon) to whom I, Moloch the fortune teller, cast my runes and read their future. I just told them a lot of piffle and they gladly gave me a couple of purple opals. Since Theck and I knew about the place, we offered to guide them there. "The Other" Kenneth also jumped in at the chance of being part of a real adventure.

It was night when we arrived at the complex. Three badly damaged metal buildings partially sunk in the swamp. A faded sign in the perimeter fence read "Camp Hee Haw". We checked the largest building, which used to be some kind of cantina, and found a crystal box (a red button appears when opened), duct tape and a roll of silver material (folding tent). We also found a hatch in the floor that was opened after some effort and drained all the water in the room. Something was written in the floor around the hatch and Theck started to clean the area, when we heard a distant cacophony.

Bill cast Sequester on the area, while Ted Summoned some chickens and "Proper" Kenneth hid outside. Soon a huge semi-transparent cube with colored lights and disco music (E.L.O. and other stuff) appeared. Bill cast a Cantrip of some lights in the form of a dancing human which seemed to confuse the cube. Meanwhile Ted sent his chickens to lure the cube into an area thick with swamp gas. The cube took the bait and followed the chickens. Ted fired his laser gun and ignited the gas, which exploded and obliterated the cube.

By now Theck have cleared the mud around the hatch and the sign read: "Camp Hee Haw - Shelter Toxic Waste". We tied one of the surviving chickens to the end of a rope and lowered into the darkness. Something tugged at the rope and we pulled hard, bringing a half eaten chicken and some kind of horrible mutated elf. Theck hit it with the flat of his shovel and "The Other" Kenneth lunged forward with a short sword he'd borrowed from Bill. The creature, injured, let the chicken go and jumped down the hatch.


Will continue the session recap in another post. 

Thanks to +Kasimir Urbanski for inviting me to the game. I enjoyed it a lot!


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