Since I started playing Dungeons & Dragons back there in 1987 I've had many characters. With some of them I played long-term campaigns and with others just a few sessions. With time I started playing other games than D&D. This blog is dedicated to all of them and the hours of fun we've had together. Here they are along with other musings...
Thursday, August 10, 2023
Latest acquisitions
Tuesday, December 07, 2021
Old school dice tower
This weekend finally arrived this dice tower inspired and based on the cover art designed by D.A Trampier from the original first edition D&D Player's Handbook. By removing the head topper you can insert the dices to roll. It's a straight chute so the dices come out at considerable speed. Be sure to have a tray to catch them or you'll be crawling looking for them! I would've preferred something like the usual dice towers, where you can hear the dices bump inside the chute. The fire is LED illuminated and has a switch to turn it on and off, but it would have been better if it was a flickering one. Besides those minor improvements it looks great
Friday, December 06, 2013
And one day it finally arrived...
Friday, September 13, 2013
Impulse buying
Thursday, September 27, 2012
My Submission to The Secret DM Gygax Contest
You can download it here.
Monday, September 17, 2012
Ambition and Avarice
Thursday, August 23, 2012
"The Caves of Chaos" - FLAILSNAILS game on G+
The party:
Walt Thisslefoot - Halfling thief
Padre Bob - Dwarf cleric
Finloss - Half-elf fighter/thief
The next day the party set off to find these cave, which they did without getting lost or coming across any trouble on the way. After waiting some moments at the mouth of the canyon, they decided to explore the first visible cavern entrance at ground level to the South. Walt and Finloss moved as quietly as possible, followed at some distance by Padre Bob. They entered the cave unhindered and proceeded South until an intersection, then turned right (as suggested by Padre Bob to keep right). They turned right again at a T-intersection and surprised 6 goblins in a room. They decided to get some information about the witch without fighting, but the goblins drew their crude swords and one of them started banging the NW corner of the room calling for someone. Padre Bob entered the room and tried to stop the goblin, but they attacked. Two went after Walt, two after Padre Bob and one charged at Finloss. At that moment the NW corner of the wall opened and an ogre emerged.
Finloss taking advantage of his spear impaled the goblin and then kicked the dead body from his weapon, then moved to help the dwarf, who had managed to kill one goblin. Walt was hit but also killed one. The remaining goblins retreated (the dwarf smashing one dead) to the walls giving room to the brute, who smashed Padre Bob with his club. Finloss backstabbed the ogre with his magic spear, said the command word "DOWNBOY!", and the creature fell to the ground pinned under the tip of the weapon. Walt took advantage of that, and wounded the fallen ogre. Padre Bob healed himself.
Before the brute could get up, Finloss drew his magic sabre and slashed at its throat, killing the ogre and almost severing his head. Seeing his backup dead, one goblin surrendered and the other tried to flee. Finloss threw his spear at it, wounding but not killing it. The half-elf panicked as the skewered goblin was running away with his magic spear. Padre Bob threw his war hammer at the goblin, killing it. "Have you lost something elf?", mocked the dwarf.
We tied the remaining goblin up, and Walt intimidated him to tell all he knew about the witch. He vaguely spoke about some "dark robed ones to the west", but tried to buy his freedom by offering the goblin's treasure hidden at the bottom of a barrel of water. We also searched the ogre and found more coins on his bag (some of them were counterfeit; gold painted lead coins), and also a keg of brandy the dwarf claimed. We then explored the ogres' cave, that led to the canyon outside, the opening hidden by some bushes. Buried under some bones we found 6 magic arrows (arrows +1), a small glass jar with a clear liquid (Potion of Invisibility) and a scroll case (2 clerical scrolls).
The party left with the treasure, planted the ogre's head on a spear at the entrance, freed the goblin (probably Padre Bob killed it latr) and went back to the Keep.
Saturday, May 05, 2012
I need more megadungeons!
Barrowmaze I had a very good reception in the the OSR community, so we can't expect any lees for part II.
Wednesday, May 02, 2012
Leonardo Messina
- Eric Dawson (Alan) is 6'2", Caucasian, 180 lbs, blond hair, blue eyes. He's 21 years old and is finishing up his final year of his Bachelor's degree in Mathematics at the local university.
- Freddy Mancini (Joseph) is 5'6", with dark skin, greasy black hair pulled back into a pony tail, devious brown eyes, a wicked smile, pot belly from to much pasta. He's 32 years old and wears a cheap suit.
- Trevor Kraft (Reese) is a mathematics professor at a small local community college. Athletic, he has obviously spent time in the gym. He helps coach his school's track team, being a runner himself. He has the lanky build that most runners do, tall and thin. His Irish heritage is quite apparent in his appearance. He (unfortunately) has the green eyes and ginger hair associated with his ancestral homeland.
Monday, January 30, 2012
RPG wish list
The Dungeon Alphabet An A-to-Z Reference for Classic Dungeon Design by Michael Curtis
Loviatar issues #1 to #7 by Christian Walker
Old-School Gaming Box with Erol Otus Art! by John Adams
Saturday, October 09, 2010
Great chance to stock up on books!
Monday, March 08, 2010