Showing posts with label Contest. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Contest. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 02, 2017

Bonus issue of the Hobbs & Freinds of the OSR zine

Now you can find my entry to the contest run on 'Hobbs & Friends of the OSR' and 'Gaming & BS' on the bonus issue of the 'Hobbs & Freinds of the OSR' zine. The PDF compiles the six entries that participated, along with some grat art.

It's a PWYW and all proceeds will go to get art for future zines. 

I want to thank contest organizers +Jason Hobbs and +Brett B for the awesome prizes. I have already received by mail the PDF version of the 5e game supplement 'The Book of the Tarrasque' from Encoded Designs

Also I'm eagerly waiting for the printed version of the Greyhawk book to arrive to the mailbox. I've been a World of Greyhawk fan since ever, so that book is doubly appreciated!

Wednesday, June 28, 2017

OSR Encounter Contest winner

I have just finished listening to the last episode (#13) of the Hobbs & Friends of the OSR podcast. Yes, right out of the oven exclusively for Patreon supporters. In there, my friend and Metal Gods colleague, +Jason Hobbs announced I am the winner of the 'OSR Encounter Conterst' he co-organized with Sean and Brett from Gaming and BS RPG Podcast

Thanks guys!

EDIT (July 5th): I have just listened to the latest episode (#147) of Gaming and BS RPG Podcast where the announcement was also made.

Also all entries will be published in a special edition of the Hobbs & Friends zine.

Saturday, May 20, 2017

OSR Encounter Contest - The curse of Vagrot the Blue

Today I sent my submission to the OSR Encounter Contest, 

"Since he settled, some time ago, in the ruins of an abandoned abbey atop a nearby forested hill, Vagrot the Ogre-Mage has extracted a weekly tribute from the village of Galdorum under the threat of razing the place to the ground. "

You can get the PDF here or in the Downloads section.

(Image is Public Domain)

Friday, May 19, 2017

OSR Encounter Contest

The Gaming and BS RPG Podcast  and Hobbs & Friends of the OSR crews are organizing the 'OSR Encounter Contest'. Check it out!

My entry to the contest will be available soon in the Downloads section.

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Won a minor magic item

How? I won The Preakness 138 contest set up by +Erik Jensen! Had to name the first two horses across the line, winner/closest gets a minor magic item based on those horses' names. The contenders were: Orb, Goldencents, Titletown Five, Departing, Mylute, Oxbow, Will Take Charge, Govenor Charlie and Itsmyluckyday. I chose Oxbow because of the owners' colors (black and yellow) were the same of my favourite local soccer team, and Itsmyluckyday because I just felt lucky.

Being Gimli my main FLAILSNAILS character:

"Gimli stumbles across what seems to be a length of ribbon snagged on a tree; although wary for a trap of some sort, he plucks the adornment from the branch, and instinctively knows its magical worth.

The Oxbow Lucky-Day is a 16" length of supple, tanned ox-hide, just over an inch wide, decoratively forked at each end. When worn in the hair and tied in a bow, the Oxbow Lucky-Day provides its charm - the wearer's first saving throw each day is at +1. Should the wearer ever mistreat a bovine while wearing or carrying the magic strip of leather, the Oxbow Lucky-Day will dissolve into dust. (For the record, stabbing a minotaur would technically count as 'mistreating a bovine' for these purposes)."

Gimli will tie his bushy red beard with the new-found charm, just above where he tucks it into his belt.

Thanks Erik!

Friday, September 28, 2012

Roll For Initiative / The Evil GM contest

Yes, it's another contest and the prize is none other than a copy of the AD&D 1e reprints done by WOTC!

- First Edition Core Rules style only.
- A Halloween theme'd adventure.
- Minimum of 25 rooms with boxed text.
- Pictures optional.
- Full text of monsters.
- At least a hand drawn map, keyed with numbers.
- In word or PDF format

Due date:
Nov 1st, 2012 -- 11:59PM EST*

*Note: Contest subject to cancellation due to lack of entries. All entries become properity of RFI and WGP, LLC.

More details here.

EDIT: I think that for this contest, I will expand my Shrine of the Rodent God with a second level...

Thursday, September 27, 2012

My Submission to The Secret DM Gygax Contest

A slightly modified version of the "Shrine of the Rodent God", my OPDC 2009 entry, is my submission to The Secret DM's Gygax Contest. There's a chance of winning a complete set of 1st Edition Advanced Dungeons & Dragons® Reprints so, if you didn't entered the contest, wish me luck!

You can download it here.

Sunday, September 02, 2012

The Ooze Pits of Jonas Gralk

Wheee! I won The Ooze Pits of Jonas Gralk  from Purple Sorcerer Games (click on the image to get it from RPGnow) in Tenkar's Tavern "DCC RPG Corruption Contest" with this entry.

Thanks again to Erik for putting up another cool contest!

Once I have it and read it, I'm going to GM it in a Google+ Hangout. Yes, I know I said the same when I won Attack of the Frawgs, and still haven't GMed it. But I will, promise!

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

DCC RPG Contest

August DCC RPG Contest @ Tenkar's Tavern - Get Some Corruption and Maybe Win a Prize!

Roll 1d6 to know which of the senses is corrupted:

1-Sight: Your eyes double in size and the optic nerve grows like snail antennas.
2-Smell: You grow an elephant nose but can't breathe through it.
3-Hearing: You grow necomimi.
4-Touch: A hand grows from each of your finger tips.
5-Taste: You get Gene Simmons tongue.
6-All of the above.

Wednesday, August 01, 2012

Attack of the Frawgs

Wheee! I won Attack of the Frawgs from Thick Skull Adventures (click on the image to get it from RPGnow) in Tenkar's Tavern "Post a 0-Level Occupation for the DCC RPG" contest with this entry.

It was a random prize, but it's very welcome. Thanks to Erik for putting up this original contest, the publishers who donated the prizes and, last but not least, the dices for rolling my number!

Once I have it and read it, I'm going to GM it in a Google+ Hangout.

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

0-Level Occupation

Here's another entry for Tenkar's Tavern DCC contest.

Occupation: Hairdresser

Trained weapon: Hair sticks (1d2 dmg; exotic weapon)

Trade goods: 1d4 pairs of hair sticks (roll 1d4 for material); hair gel jar

Hair sticks table

1. wood
2. bone
3. metal
4. crystal

Monday, July 30, 2012

0-Level Occupation

Here's my entry for Tenkar's Tavern DCC contest.

Occupation: Pie maker.

Weapon: Wooden rolling pin (as club).

Trade goods: 1d4 pies (roll 1d100 on the Pie table below) & metal pie mold.

Motto: "I don't sell to orcs!"

Pie table
  1. Aloo pie 
  2. Apple pie
  3. Bacon and egg pie 
  4. Bakewell tart 
  5. Banana Cream Pie 
  6. Banoffee pie 
  7. Bean pie 
  8. Bedfordshire clanger 
  9. Bisteeya 
  10. Black bun 
  11. Blackberry pie 
  12. Blueberry pie 
  13. Bob Andy pie 
  14. Bougatsa 
  15. Boysenberry 
  16. Bridie 
  17. Buko pie 
  18. Bundevara 
  19. Burek 
  20. Butter pie 
  21. Caramel tart 
  22. Cheese pie 
  23. Cherry pie 
  24. Chess pie 
  25. Chicken and mushroom pie 
  26. Chinese pie 
  27. Coconut Cream Pie 
  28. Cookie Cake Pie 
  29. Corned beef pie 
  30. Shepherd's pie 
  31. Coulibiac 
  32. Cumberland pie 
  33. Curry pie 
  34. Custard tart 
  35. Derby pie 
  36. Empanada 
  37. Fisherman's Pie 
  38. Flan 
  39. Flapper pie 
  40. Fleischkuekle 
  41. Fried pie 
  42. Gibanica 
  43. Homity pie 
  44. Hornazo 
  45. Jamaican patty 
  46. Kalakukko 
  47. Karelian pasties 
  48. Khachapuri 
  49. Knish 
  50. Key lime pie 
  51. Killie pie 
  52. Lemon meringue pie 
  53. Manchester tart 
  54. Meat pie 
  55. Meat and potato pie 
  56. Melton Mowbray pork pie 
  57. Mince pie 
  58. Minui pie 
  59. Mississippi mud pie 
  60. Natchitoches meat pie 
  61. Neapolitan pie 
  62. Öçpoçmaq 
  63. Pastilla 
  64. Peach pie 
  65. Pecan pie 
  66. Pirozhki 
  67. Pizza Pie 
  68. Pork pie 
  69. Pukka Pies 
  70. Pumpkin pie 
  71. Pyrih 
  72. Quiche 
  73. Raspberry pie 
  74. Razzleberry 
  75. Red velvet cake pie 
  76. Rhubarb pie 
  77. Salteñas 
  78. Sambusac 
  79. Scotch pie 
  80. Sea-pie 
  81. Sfiha 
  82. Shepherd's Pie 
  83. Shoofly pie 
  84. spinach pie 
  85. Stargazy pie 
  86. Steak and kidney pie 
  87. Steak pie 
  88. Strawberry pie 
  89. Strawberry rhubarb pie 
  90. St. Stephen's Day pie 
  91. Sugar pie 
  92. Sweet potato pie 
  93. Tarta de Santiago 
  94. Tiropita 
  95. Torta caprese 
  96. Tourtière 
  97. Treacle tart 
  98. Vlaai 
  99. Woolton pie 
  100. Zelnik


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