Showing posts with label medieval. Show all posts
Showing posts with label medieval. Show all posts

Monday, April 04, 2011

Season of the Witch (2011)

Baby's asleep. Let's watch a movie.

We didn't care if it has a low rate on IMDB and the trailer looked promising enough so we gave it a chance. It is an entertaining movie with everything a D&D adventure has to have.

The party is composed by two knights (veterans from the Crusades), a warrior, a priest, a thief and an altar boy who wants to be a knight. Their quest is to take a girl, allegedly a witch, to a remote monastery in the mountains for trial. Fiendish wolves attack them in the misty woods on its way. The party kills a few but has to escape from the rest. Upon arriving to the monastery, they must fight the animated plague-dead monks to get a relic. After defeating the undeads the party fights a demon with sword, holy water and divine magic.

I won't spoil it by telling how it ends or who lives or dies. Gotta go, baby's crying!

Wednesday, February 24, 2010


I've just finished reading "Azincourt" a novel by Bernard Cornwell. He's my favorite writer of the historical novel genre. So far I've read the Grail Quest (Harlequin, Vagabond and Heretic) and the Saxon Stories (The Last Kingdom, The Pale Horseman, The Lords of the North and Sword Song) series. Now I'm waiting to get my hands on "The Burning Land", the last one published (but hopefully not the last to be written) of the Saxon serie. Cornwell masterfully entwines a fictional storyline with historical facts to create a literary masterpiece. All the research made by the author is evident in every detail described and one feels transported to the time depicted. A book worth reading.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Medieval battle records go online

The detailed service records of 250,000 medieval soldiers from 1369 to 1453- including archers who served with Henry V at the Battle of Agincourt - have gone online.

See the whole study here.


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