Showing posts with label 2e. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 2e. Show all posts

Sunday, August 22, 2021

Nathan Deryondomyn

This character was created for a AD&D 2e campaign (DM: Rous?). 

I was inspired by the movie "Last of the Mohicans" to make this character, specially by the character of Nathaniel Poe. He was a half-elven ranger from the Welkwood who worshipped the elven diety Solonor Thelandira. He had a racoon as animal companion named Rascal. 

I don't remember who were the other members of the group and can't find the character sheet. :(

Wednesday, January 18, 2006


This character was created for a AD&D 2e adventure (DM: Luis M.).

I guess by that time we were all reading R. A. Salvatore's Drizzt series, and wanted to play an evil party, so everyone rolled a drow.

I made a fighter that wielded two short swords (specialist, two-weapon style, ambidexteriry and a short sword of quickness). They were outcasts from their city and made their way through the Underdark and somehow (?) ended in the surface world.

Str 14, Int 12, Wis 12, Dex 16, Con 10, Cha 8, Cms 7

Monday, January 16, 2006


This character was created for an AD&D 2e campaign (DM: Rous).
This group of characters adventured in many diferent parts of the Flannaes, from the Cold Marshes in the north to the infamous Osson's Raid in southern Medegia. We had a lot of fun with this group. The Silverleaf brothers were really chaotic and some of our doings are still remembered: torturing a tortured kobold, using the bard as bait to "fish" sahuagins, ventriloquism with Jame's dead corpse, cutting kenku's hands to infiltrate their lair and much more!. ;-)
The other members of the group were:
  • Cedric Silverleaf, an elven fighter (Federico V.)
  • ??? Silverleaf, an elven cleric of Elhonna (Pedro C.)
  • James, a human psionicist (Diego O.)
  • Branwyn, a half-elven bard (yeah, yeah, I know, ANOTHER bard) (Gabriel P.)
Str 12, Int 13, Wis 15, Dex 12, Con 16, Cha 15, Cms 16

Sunday, January 15, 2006

Tröy Tryggvasson

The last campaign ended with most of the party dead (some were resurected) so the DM (Marcelo B.) took some time off. After a while he returned with the promise of change in his DMing style, so we rolled characters once more. This time the setting were the frozen lands and seas of the north barbarians but, although we had fun, the ending was the same.

Since we had the Viking Campaign Sourcebook, I chose to play a fighter/skald from the city of Djekul in the Frost Barbarians. The rest of the adventuring party were:
  • Harn, a human fighter (Javier R.)
  • André Törn, a human cleric of Phaulkon (Sebastian R.)
  • Steintorn, a human fighter (German H.)
  • Drot, a human fighter from Ratik (Eduardo B.)
  • Konrad, a human fighter (Daniel R.)
  • Ringlas, an elven fighter/magic-user from the Timberway Forest (Rodolfo P.)
  • Tröy, a human fighter/skald (Gabriel P.)
Since childhood he always felt curious about the sagas and legends of his people. Cheerful, brave and proud, Tröy became an able seaman and fighter, always inspiring his comrades in battle with song, word and action.

Str 15, Int 12, Wis 11, Dex 17, Con 17, Cha 17, Cms 12

Saturday, January 14, 2006

Niall Slainte-Mhath

This character was rolled for a AD&D 2e high level (15th) campaign.

The idea was concocted by two dungeon masters (Gerardo T. & Ejbs) that wanted to join their groups into a mega-adventure. An ambitious project indeed, but the first (and only) session was C-H-A-O-T-I-C!!. Sorry it didn't work since I've never played a high level character before.

Niall was a half-elven Riddlemaster. Yeah I know, another bard. I guesss I have "a thing" with bards. Anyway, he was to re-unite a group of powerful adventurers and guide them to the fabled Dragon Mountain and unveil its secrets... and treasures.

Those high-level adventurers were:

  • Inshalen, a grey elf magic-user/thief
  • Egil Steinthor, a human runecaster
  • Agnar Bloodaxe, a dwarven weapons master
  • Avelogue, a human cleric
  • Questor, a human magic-user
  • Lady Melian of Roke, a human paladin
  • Alanon, a human druid
  • Niall, a half-elven riddlemaster
Niall turned through the years from an adventuring bard to an adventuring scholar or sage. Always interested in myths and legends of different cultures and races he traveled the known world seeking for hidden knowledge.

Str 12, int 15, Wis 13, Dex 18, Con 15, Cha 15, Cms 14

Friday, January 13, 2006

Rigil Kent Draco

After playing thos few sessions with Finloss, my DM (Rolf) offered me to join other group he was DMing and that were already playing through the Temple. Since I had no other group to play I accepted the offer.

The group was fromed by:
  • Doronomin, a female human fighter (Rous)
  • Morlas, an elven thief (Federico V.)
  • Celeborn, a human fighter/magic-user (Luis M.)
  • Edwin, a human paladin of St. Cuthbert (Diego O.)
  • Draukur(?), a human barbarian (Santiago H.)
  • Rigil Kent Draco, a half-elven magic-user/cleric of Hanali Cenalil (Gabriel P.)
Originay from the Highfolk region, Rigil was handsome, intelligent, wise, well built and agile. He always traveled in his light warhorse (Baudelaire) with his two faithful dogs, Hernani (watch dog) and Victor Hugo (war dog). After defeating the hordes of the Temple he became Elder of the land of Veluna and Furyondy.

Str 12, int 17, Wis 16, Dex 15, Con 17, Cha 14, Cms 19

Thursday, January 12, 2006


This character was rolled for an AD&D 2e campaign (DM: Rolf)

Since there were many of us that never played the Temple of the Elemental Evil from the begining, new characters were rolled to begin that module. It was there I created Finloss an half-elven fighter/thief from the elven kingdom of Celene. I can't recall now what happened but we played only a couple of sessions. (DM: Rolf)

There were to be two groups of adventurers that would join forces in Hommlet. The first group from Celene were:
  • Quinath Leafholder, an elven fighter/magic-user from Celene. (Javier R.)
  • Axhatl, a human archer/ranger from the Welkwood forest (German H.)
  • Finloss, a half-elven fighter/thief (Gabriel P.)
The other group from Veluna were:
  • Ralsa-Lul, a human paladin of St. Cuthbert (Martin F.)
  • Jon Hathleath, a human cleric of St. Cuthbert (Eduardo B.)
  • Eric, a human cavalier (Sebastian R.)
Finnloss (Finthlanthualos was his elven name) was a rude, tough and dexterous fighter/thief from Enstad the capital city of Celene. Not very good looking people response to him was initially negative, but he was charismatic enough to change that reaction.

Str 18/47, Int 12, Wis 10, Dex 18, Con 15, Cha 14, Cms 7

Sunday, November 06, 2005

Kenneth Twinblade

This character was created for an AD&D 2e campaign (DM: Marcelo B.).
After Ilmor was killed fighting against pirates in the Nyr Dyv, I rolled this new character. By that time I was reading R. A. Salvatore's "Dark Elf Trilogy" so I made Kenneth a human cavalier that fought with two scimitars. ;-)

Others characters from the original group also have died, and some took the characters they had with another DM and introduced them in this new campaign. So, by that time the adventuring party was:
  • Elthanas, an elven cavalier prince from Gamboge forest (Javier R.)
  • Femandil, an elven fighter/mage from Ratik (Rodolfo P.)
    • Raimen, an elven fighter/mage from Gamboge forest
  • Haldir, a human ranger from the Gamboge forest (Sebastian R.)
  • Lustvich, an elven archer/thief from Gamboge forest (German H.)
  • Jheran, a human magic-user/cleric (Daniel R.)
  • Uimlith, a elven duid from Gamboge forest (Eduardo B.)
    • Sarons, a human cleric
  • Kenneth Twinblade, a human cavalier (Gabriel P.)
Kenneth was from the County of Byron in the Archeclery of Veluna. He met the adventurers in the city of Admunfort (Shield Lands) where he had traveled to join the Knights of the Holy Shielding. Kenneth was killed by an ogre-mage somewhere in the White Plume Mountain dungeons.

Str 17/52, Int 13, Wis 12, Dex 16/01, Con 15/63, Cha 14, Cms 10

Saturday, November 05, 2005


This character was created for an AD&D 2e campaign (DM: Marcelo B.).
After finishing the Scourge of the Slavelords module our DM went abroad. In the meantime I co-DMed a homebrew adventure ("Skara Brae" with Rodolfo P.) and when he returned new characters were rolled. The new campaign was to begin at the Free City of Greyhawk and then evolve into the White Plume Mountain module.

It was my first time I rolled the dices to create a character! I've played a fighter, a cleric and a magic-user/thief, so what can I play now? I decided my next character would be a bard.

That time the starting party was:
  • Ragast, a half-elven fighter/cleric (Ilmor's brother) (Sebastian R.)
  • Gurarg, a half-orc fighter (German H.)
  • Ralion, a human cleric (Javier R.)
  • Deadalus, a human fighter (Martin F.)
  • Beleg, an elven thief (Daniel R.)
  • Mordamir, a human wild-mage (Rodolfo P.)
  • Mithlith, a human wild-mage (Eduardo B.)
  • Ilmor, a half-elven bard (Gabriel P.)
Ilmor was from the city of Safeton in the Wild Coast. Second child of unmarried parents, goodlooking and charming, always in good mood, he had a natural gift for music and dancing. As a bard he worshipped Lydia, goddess of music, knowledge and daylight.

Str 15, Int 13, Wis 8, Dex 17, Con 8, Cha 18, Cms 11

Friday, November 04, 2005

Elendil Hojanegra

This was a originally a D&D 1e character converted later to AD&D 2e (DM: Marcelo B.).

The Temple was over and we headed for our next adventure: A1-4 Scourge of the Slavelords. Some of the players had left so I took over Elendil. I've already played a fighter and a cleric, so now I had the chance to play a multiclass for the first time.

By that time the adventuring party was composed by:
  • Rolf von Geoff, a human paladin of St. Cuthbert (Rodolfo P.)
  • Elendil Hojanegra, a drow magic-user/thief (Gabriel P.)
  • Sir Toxford, a half-elven cavalier of Hanali Celanil (Rodrigo P.)
  • Elwitt, a dwarven fighter (Pablo B.)
  • Kwong, a human monk (Daniel R.)
  • Alof Star, a human cleric of St. Cuthbert (NPC)
After some time the cavalier left for the Happy Hunting Grounds (bah died) and the party was joined by Dexter, a half-orc fighter. In that campaign Elwitt and Kwong also died. After completing the adventure, the survivors returned to Hommlet and waited for the next.

Elendil Hojanegra was an ugly renegade drow from somewhere below the Hellfurnaces (although the original sheet said Tenh). He was independent, unpredictable and a natural prankster, cunning and agile but not very wise. Being of CN alignement he worshipped Erevan Ilesere.

Str 10, Int 18, Wis 8, Dex 19, Con 10, Cha 9, Cms 8

Thursday, November 03, 2005


This was a originally a D&D 1e character converted later to AD&D 2e (DM: Marcelo B.).
When Gimili was killed by a banshee somewhere in the Temple of Elemental Evil, I started playing Alof. By that time I was already longing to play a caster.

The group of adventurers was composed by:
  • Rolf von Geoff, a human paladin of St. Cuthbert (Rodolfo P.)
  • Elendil Hojanegra, a drow magic-user/thief (Sergio B.)
  • Sir Toxford, a half-elven cavalier of Hanali Celanil (Rodrigo P.)
  • Alof, a human cleric of St. Cuthbert (Gabriel P.)
  • Elwitt, a dwarven fighter (Gimli's brother) (Pablo B.)
Alof was a Star, one of the three types of clerics of St. Cuthbert, with the ability to cast ESP once per day. Alof was single-handed since he had lost his left hand in a trap at the Temple. Since then he had a special shield made for him. He was from the city of Verbobonc in Veluna.

Str 8, Int 9, Wis 18, Dex 11, Con 16, Cha 15, Cms 13


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