Showing posts with label Dwimmermount. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dwimmermount. Show all posts

Monday, May 08, 2017

Xaxum Lano

After the death of Fonso the Remarkable by a gelatinous cube, I rolled another character for the Dwimmermars game. I hope it lasts more than a couple of sessions!

She's Xaxum Lano, a young Tellurian tomb robber that, having heard the news about the doors of Mount Dwimmer had opened again, decided to explore the place in search of any rich treasures of yore that might replenish her depleted finances.

Raised and trained by DontoYuul, leader of the Plunderers, after her parents death, the skinny little girl proved to be very useful and profitable since she could fit through places that other didn't. Along the way she had to endure many things, both physically and emotionally, and though being a pretty face, she's short-tempered and got a sharp tongue. She recently left the gang with a promise of revenge, after learning that Donto was responsible for raid where her parents died.

S 9, I 7, W 12, D 16, C 10, Ch 6

Monday, April 24, 2017

Fonso Barsali

Fonso Barsali is my character on DWIMMERMARS. That's where +James Maliszewski's Dwimmermount meets ERB's Barsoom and it's run by +Adam Muszkiewicz

Fonso is a Greco-Roman wrestler of Roma origin, but also fugitive anarchist who joined a gypsy circus as a strongman to avoid being arrested. With the intinerant troupe he travelled all over Europe and reached Paris just in time for the 1889 Exposition Universelle.

Once there, he managed to be among the first people to ascend the Eiffel Tower. As the lift went up, and everyone on board admired the exposition, that covered the Champ de Mars, the Trocadéro, the quai d'Orsay, a part of the Seine and the Invalides esplanade, it accelerated with a flash to speeds never known before. The next thing was everyone waking up, naked, on the barren lands of Tellus.

STR 16, INT 14, WIS 6, DEX 13, CON 7, CHA 5

Obituary: "RIP Fonso the Remarkable. What les gendarmes couldn't kill, a gelatinous cube could. Fonso stood shoulder-to-shoulder with his blue Tellurian men-at-arms to the very end. If only any of them had survived to praise his virtues!" - Adam Muszkiewicz


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