Showing posts with label OSRIC. Show all posts
Showing posts with label OSRIC. Show all posts

Thursday, July 11, 2024


Unnakhon is a young human magic-user sent to a prision island accused of the death of his master. After being dropped unceremoniously on a rocky beach and a couple of hours walking inland he arrived at the town of Oily Messy. The entrance to the Black Maw mega-dungeon (a Dungeon23 creation of Michael "ChgoWiz" Shorten) on a hill near the beach. It's the place where everyone goes inside to get rich enough to get out of the island or die trying...

Ther rest of the party are:

Elmon, the elven fighter
Fenric, cleric of Gulliver
J, the  coughing fighter
Guy Pasteur, cleric of La Matron
Scale, the elven mage

S 7, I 13, W 11, D 14, Co 14, Ch 7


Sunday, April 16, 2017

Atacius Lightfoot

Atacius Lightfoot is my character in Michael Shorten Dark Ages campaign run on the Rizzoma platform. It's a revamp of an old campaign that Michael used to run over the now defunct Google Wave.

He's a littleling (halfling) thief from the Direlands that had to leave his homeland, because of a feud with another littleling who falsely accused him of a crime,  and traveled to the Southern port town of Skalfier in search of a new life. There he has found friends, adventures, wealth and, in the village of Appleton, a place he can call 'home'.

Michael Shorten commented on his blog: "Gabriel plays a curious, no-fear (sometimes) littleling (halfling) to the fullest, and when I tempt him with coins, I can feel that 'aw man, do I/don't I?'"

You can check the development of the game here.

UPDATE: The game runs on a Discord channel since September 2019.

Str 10, Dex 11, Con 13, Int 9, Wis 9, Cha 7  

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Another site update

I guess I should write more often or change the name of the blog to "My RPG updates". Well, what happened since last April?

Wednesday nights games (OSR):

- Continued a D&D 5e campaign, run by me, set in Greyhawk (Yeomanry-Hool Marshes-Hold of the Sea Princes area). The group finally exited the tomb unharmed and loaded with all the valuables they have found. A bullywug horde led by a toad-riding Wastrian acolyte was waiting for them. After defeating them, the group decides to find the attacker's base before going back to the town. The trail went North deeper into the swamp, until it reached a series of mounds in the mist. One of them is covered with semi-buried sarcophagi and crowned with a statue of four cobras with jewelled eyes. The thief climbed one of them to pry out the precious stones. Immediately one of the sarcophagi opened revealing an undead yuan-ti that attacked them with magic and sword. With the thief paralyzed, and the fighter badly wounded, it was only the monk's abilities that saved them from a certain doom. After that they went back to town.

- Then switched to a Warhammer (1e) game run by +Craig Brasco set in Urlund, his homebrew setting similar to Westeros in regard to Major Houses and regions of land. Our characters, a noble (Jason), an entertainer (Adam), a pit fighter (Phil) and a woodsman are investigating a series of attacks to a village by Chaos creatures.

- Also rolled a character for a Metamorphosis Alpha game that +Adam Muszkiewicz hopefully will be running after Craig's game. A mutant humanoid with 11 arms, among other mutations. 

Thursday nights games (DCC with the Metal Gods of Ur-Hadad):

- Played some DDC Lankhmar run by +Doug Kovacs. "Jumped off building. Stood in 2nd floor window. Watched thieves and murder. That's what I recall from Lankhmar game." - DK

- After that some more DCC in "The Hunt for Red Varza" run by +Edgar Johnson. Ritual murders, house burnings and critical groin hits. Let's see where this goes.

Friday nights games (D&D): 

- Started a 5e game, also set in Greyhawk (Great Kingdom-Alhissa-Solnor Compact area), for a couple of friends from our old F2F group and my wife. Even though we live in the same city, we all have children so it's hard to play F2F anymore. A fighter, a wizard and a thief arrive with a caravan to the Free City of Ountsy during the Forefathers Festival. During the festival assassins attack the crowd, the Duke is murdered and the killer transforms into a hideous monster, that is killed by the characters, The three factions struggling for power in the city, will try to get the group to work for them.

Last update I forgot to mention that +Michael S rebooted his Dark Ages - Southern Seas campaign (AD&D/OSRIC/house rules) after about 4 years. The previous campaign was played on the now defunct Google Wave platform and, since the backups of the old waves were lost, we rolled new characters and started again using Rizzoma. 

Received from +Wayne Snyder his "It's wizard time!" t-shirt, and from +Edgar Johnson copies of  "Against the Atomic Lord", "DCC #82: Bride of the Black Manse" and copies of the original "Blood for the Serpent King" maps, all autographed by the Dr. Rev. himself. Thanks amigos!

The DCC Megazine (The Gongfarmer's Almanac 2015) was published and my article Healing Spllburn was included on Volume I: Men and Magic. You can download the five volumes here

Until next update! :)

Saturday, August 20, 2011

After several weekends of gaming drought...

...we're playing the "Last Sons of Odin" campaign (GURPS) tonight!

I haven't played since I ran my first convention game. Last weeks both GURPS and Millenium's End DMs couldn't organize a game. To make thing worse, ChicagoWiz's temporal loss of interest in gaming put the AD&D/OSRIC @ Google Wave campaign to a stop.

So, I turned to PC gmaes and started playing Fallout New Vegas. ;)

Saturday, May 14, 2011


I've never been a prolific blogger and now with my two-month son blogging came to a near halt. But at least I owe my followers an update.

My two Greyhawk campaigns are officially and indefinitely on hold. I'm currently playing AD&D/OSRIC on Google Wave (which it's possible because I follow it from work ;->) and Millenium's End once every two weeks. That reminds me that I never posted my ME character.

Now a friend that just returned from Japan (he was the DM of our Ars Magica game before leaving) wanted to set up a new campaign based on the scandinavian Eddas in which the Christianization was seen by the pagan völvas as the begining of the Ragnarök. It's going to be a dark fantasy-low magic campaign, and we're deciding which rules set to use. We're between GURPS 4e Lite or BRP Quick-Start Edition to keep it simple.

I'm going to play a blacksmith (I'll post that character too, promise!) and my wife a female warrior. Let's see if our little Ivan let us play...

Thursday, January 14, 2010

D&D in Google Wave 2

The AD&D 1e/OSRIC campaign on Google Wave I'm in is going really well and I'm having a lot of fun playing it. Everyone posts everyday and some several times a day. This is a key aspect of the game. This enthusiasm made give it a try as a DM so, as we're in a summer break in my 3.5e campaign, I set up a wave for a one-on-one side adventure with one of my players. We did PBP style and online gaming, using a wave for the action and another one for maps, references and character sheets. It's been a great experience so far, with both the player and DM enjoying the game.

Saturday, December 26, 2009


Thanks to Chgowiz for setting up this wave with an AD&D 1e/OSRIC game. I lurked it with interest for some days and was lucky that a spot opened. Now I'm part of this experience of playing an RPG on Google Wave. The campaign is called "The Dark Ages" and you can find more information about it here. Here's the character I've created for this campaign:

Orbilar (his name is a homage to RJK's Lord Robilar) is a young human fighter from the highlands north of the port city of Skalfier. At the age of 15 he joined the retinue of a minor lord and learned the use of weapon and shield, mounted combat and close-combat formations. Now, 4 years later, with the Darkness advancing on the world of men, and the forces of his lord disbanded, he seeks in Skalfier an escape from an ominous future.

Str 14, Dex 9, Con 15, Int 8, Wis 12, Cha 12


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