Showing posts with label Convention. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Convention. Show all posts

Monday, October 07, 2024

Virtual Greyhawk Con 5


Another Virtual Greyhawk Con has passed where I had the chance to play in a couple of games on Saturday and on Sunday attend "Ask the Experts" seminar.

The first game was Shield Land Patrol run by Anna B. Meyer who was testing an early build of her Hawk Tales FRPG ruleset.

"Join a Shield Lands Patrol to guard the Needfest (CY 599) celebrations. Guard the frontier of the liberated lands against Iuzian machinations." 

We managed to avoid some undead scouts and a murder of strange crows and ravens that could change into other awful things, ambush a stray broken wagon guarded by goblins and trolls, to finally infiltrate the Iuzian camp. There we found not only goblins, orcs, and mercenary men from the North, but also Iuzian clerics and their bone-claw guards led by Vedvenek, a flock of dretches and their skull-masked shepherd, and Glushnag the Mighty (hobgoblin Bar15) with his hobgoblin army. 

There was a brutal and bloody end to it. You can watch the stream of the game here on Anna's Twitch channel.

The second game was Zavod written by Carlos A. Lising for OSRIC. 

"A terrible theft has occurred at the famous Menagerie in the Free City! Daring bandits have managed to steal into the zoo of the fantastic and spirit away a mated pair of prized Rust Monsters. Will your group of heroes be able to locate the valuable monsters and return them safely?"

Since we were only two players, each of us was managing 4 characters, two rangers and two druids. We managed to avoid most of the dangers, even an enraged owlbear that we stopped with an Entangle spell and talked it down with a Speak With Animals and some rations, and got to the final scenario where we faced the responsible for the missing creatures and its fearsome bodyguards.  

One of my rangers fell in the final combat but was saved by the druids and the final boss was in the end subdued with a Charm Person or Mammal spell that allowed us to get to the rust monsters, take them back to the City of Greyhawk and get the reward. Fun time.

On Sunday the closing "Ask the Experts" seminar hosted by Jay "Lord Gosumba" Scott and Anna B. Meyer with legend Roger E. Moore, Denis "Maldin" Tetreault, Allan T. Grohe "Grodog", Joseph "GreyhawGrognard" Bloch, and Carlos A. Lising as guests. Greyhawk Achievement Awards were given to three very deserving persons: Roger Moore, Anna Meyer and Carlos Lising. Congratulations! It was a very emotive moment.

You can watch the stream of the seminar here on Lord Gosumba's Twitch channel.

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Spiral Con 3

In the link below you can find a full rundown of events.  They're all online and times are all EDT.

They'll also have a Valheim video game server set up from Fri night to Sun morning.

Friday, July 05, 2024

Virtual Greyhawk Con 5


Save the dates and get your badge now at

Monday, February 26, 2024

GaryCon XVI Schedule

I finally got my tickets for some games at GaryCon XVI. Not all the games I wanted (diamond, platinum and gold badges got to pick first) but alas.  

On Thursday I'll play "The Sample Dungeon" - Introduced by Dr. J. Eric Holmes in the Basic Edition of Dungeons and Dragons (1977) was the springboard to realms of imagination many of us were first introduced to with that blue book. Come drink from the cup of nostalgia and again venture into the ruined tower of Zenopus.

Nothing better that some old school game to start the convention.

For Friday I got tickets for "The Doom Beneath Welkwood Part One (Greyhawk)" - lways spring and the leaves never change color, corruption has crept in. A mysterious druid who lived in an immense grove of roanwood trees and guarded the forest has vanished. An adventure for 4th level (10,000 XP) characters. 

Being a Greyhawk fan since I started playing D&D back in 1988, I'm really looking forward to it. 

Saturday will be the main course! "Legends of Wargaming: Battle of Brown Hills" - This Chainmail fantasy scenario by Gary Gygax was first played by the Lake Geneva Tactical Studies Association and the Castle & Crusades Society in 1971. Session will be run at 330 Center St. in the same basement where Gary played it 50 years ago! Test your tactical skills in this exciting miniatures game at the roots of Dungeons & Dragons. 

This would be my first miniature game ever. It's a paid event ($50) but totally worth it to celebrate D&D's 50th Anniversary.

The final game on Sunday will be another miniatures game "Ford Over Troubled Waters" - Orcs/goblins hold Castle Ost! The Civilized Races hold Giant's Keep. Between them is lie the ruins of the old Fordhold, with a dragon living there! Who will take Fordhold? Who will defeat the dragon and claim its hoard? Take one of two sides and fight to the finish using Chaos Wars: a fun set of old school miniatures rules with lots of 25mm Ral Partha figures on the table! Prizes awarded to players!

It is run by Michael "Chgowiz" Shorten a long time online friend who I will finally meet in person at the convention. 

The schedule leaves plenty of room to play pickup games and meet new people and old friends I met at GenCon back in 2014. 

Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Virtual Greyhawk Con 4 report


This past weekend was Virtual Greyhawk Con 4 and I had the chance to play in a couple of games and also attend the "Ask the Experts" roundtable that closed the event.

On Saturday I played on Mike "Von Molkew" Mossberger's game "Mystery in Midmeadow", where we were a party of high level characters (mine was Hurrick, a dwarf bounty hunter) at the service of King Lynwerd of Nyrond. Mysterious attacks on Pholtan guerrillas prompted the summon of our group to investigate the area of Crystal Springs. The hints dropped by the DM, both in the thorough pre-game information and during the game, pointed (the players, not the characters) to the mythical drow! 

We had a skirmish with the dark eleves, managed to take one down and were taking out his corpse as proof, when more came and drove us deeper into the caves. We hit a dead end and thought that was it, when we were rescued by strange beings known as rockseer elves, antagonistic to the drow.

They asked about us and the surface world, and asked our help to prevent the drow completing a ritual of opening a portal that could give access the the Plane of Fey/Fading Lands. After handwaving a couple of encounters (a cavern filled with plant and fungi, and another cavern with a dragon skeleton/spectral dragon) we reached the cavern where the ritual was taking place. There, along with the portal, the drow and their half-drow half-spider guards, was a waterfall running upwards! It was the magical origin of the Franz River. After defeating the drow the rockseer elves sealed the place, gave us a letter to take to King Lynwerd and a magical ruby.

The caves under Cristal Springs
It's a dead end!

Mike has a deep knowledge on the setting and rules, that he complemented with some beautiful maps on Owlbear Rodeo. I forgot to take some captures but you can see them here.

~ o ~

Later that day I played on Allan "grodog" Grohe's home game (runs every other Saturday) in which the party is currently at Dyvers, the City of Sails, where the group entrepreneurs are trying to sell the local temple of Nerull a pair of gems taken from a secluded and abandoned(?) temple of Nerull beneath Castle Greyhawk.  So far, so good...

~ o ~

The next day, on Sunday, I played on Allan's game "Halls of the Iron Golems". A strange magical helix has appeared over the Free City of Greyhawk, causing magic to act in chaotic and unpredictable ways. A group of high level adventurers (mine was Barilar Willowbeard, a half-elf druid) was gathered to solve the problem. They needed to delve into the 12th level of Castle Greyhawk, find Heward's Mystical Organ and play a certain tune. 

On our way we encountered a glassteel skeleton golem, that resonated when struck by melee weapons damaging the attackers, and a giant slug. After some twists and turns, but always proceeding in a north-northwest direction, a trapped stair threw the party into a slide that split us into two chambers: one filled with water and one with a yellow poisonous gas, both chambers with skeletons at the bottom that tried to keep us down. Quick thinking, the use of magic items, and even a roll on the potion miscibility table, helps us escape the trap.

Halls of the Iron Golems

We entered the level in the circular chamber on the low-right and proceeded on the highlighted path. The triangular chamber was where we fought the skeleton and the giant slug. After descending the spiral staircase we found a corridor and a trap door up at a dead-end. We emerged on the stairs to the left and ended in the hexagonal rooms after the split chamber. We needed to reach the circular concentrical place in the center of the map. An amphitheater maybe?

~ o ~

All in all, a fun weekend full of online gaming. Looking forward to next year's Virtual Greyhawk Con!

Monday, July 31, 2023

GaryCon XVI


Last Saturday 29th I got my Silver Badge for Gary Con XVI (March 21st - 24th, 2024). I'm going with a friend, fellow gamer and player in my campaigns, and looking forward to meet in person many online friends for the first time (Aron Clark, James Richards, Michael "ChgoWiz" Shorten, Jason Hobbs, Allan "grodog" Grohe Jr.), and others I haven't seen since Gen Con 2014 like DCC artist Doug Kovacs. Also, it would be great to meet some World of Greyhawk streamers I've been following and supporting for some time like Jay "Lord Gosumba" Scott, Anna Meyer and Joseph "Greyhawk Grognard" Bloch.

This trip is like a pilgrimage to the Mecca of Dungeons & Dragons, and it gets more significance since it's celebrating the 50th anniversary of the creation of D&D. We plan to make the most of it by playing some games, hanging out with cool people, visiting the former TSR HQ, and both Gary Gygax's home and memorial.

Looking forward to it!

Thursday, July 13, 2023

Virtual Greyhawk Con 4


Monday, December 06, 2021

Virtual Greyhawk Con 2 recap

I've just found the time to write about the games I played at Virtual Greyhawk Con 2.

Friday - I played a gnoll druid named Tharakx in "Escape from the Vault of the Drow" run by DM Josh. The rest of the party were:

  • Sifu, a dwarven paladin
  • Elengos, an elven warlock
  • Ourxrek, a gnoll fighter
  • Grek, a troglodyte monk
We were taken by hobgoblin servants to the fungus fields with other slaves. Once there we were given saws and carts. While working a group of bugbears separated us from the rest of the slaves and gave us a copper symbol of one of the drow houses and a bag of coins to do some job. Their were about to explain the job when several giant spiders attacked the everyone working in the fields.

After defeating the spiders and the bugbears, we took their equipment and decided to follow the spiders who had taken several prisoners, one of them a dwarf that knew an alternate exit from the Vault. After crossing the mushroom forest we arrived at the edge of the Vault and spotted the spiders entering a cave mouth 60' above the ground. We were lucky to spot at the entrance of the cave a roper that fed on the silk-wrapped corpses dropped by the spiders. Then we proceeded to kill it by missile fire and climbed into the cave. The tunnel led to a chamber where the prisoners were webbed to the walls. My druid shifted into a spider and started to free them while the rest fought the spiders that jumped on us. 

In the end we killed the spiders, freed the prisoners and escaped the Vault.

Saturday - I played my old character Alof, a human cleric of St. Cuthbert from Verbobonc, in the "The Tomb of Tasbraev Tenneb" run by DM Leslie. The rest of the party were:
  • Krovas the Tall, a human fighter/thief from Safeton,
  • Enoch Pratt, a human fighter from Hardby,
  • Kred, a dwarven fighter,
  • Taira Trelop, a female half-elf thief
After exploring the area the group decided to investigate a stone circle that supposedly hid an entrance to the tomb. The stones were covered by a strange moss and there was a charred corpse nearby. The moss attacked Krovas mind and we burned it with flaming oil from a safe distance. Then we found a slab that hid a ladder to a room. In the room started a spiral staircase anchored on one side and separated from the wall, where a strange mucus oozed down. Several side passages opened but we kept going down, until we arrived to a square room that had another spiral staircase. When we looked down we saw the mucus was flowing up! After some deliberation we continued down through the stair but felt we were going up. Arrived to a circular domed room with smooth and repulsive mauve lighting, The dome portrayed an eclipsing sun that if looked at too long caused vertigo. Corridors with murals  exited the room, both depicting two moons in different phasing (full & crescent), a green/brown/blue planet with white polar parts (the Flanaess) and a fourth planet jet black with purple light. Also an inverted ziggurat with a red skull. The west corridor led to another circular room partially collapsed with rubble. Some footprints could be seen in the dust and also some bits of torn cloth and flecks of dried blood. The east corridor ended in a dragon mouth and led to another circular room with a bronze statue of a medusa with ruby eyes upon a pedestal in the center. There were statues of different people in different poses surrounding the pedestal. Krovas tries to move a statue but it breaks, screams and starts to bleed. We hear a sound of stone grating over stone, then saw some footprints on the dusty floor and ended capturing a hooded figure named Chum.  Alof uses his ESP ability on him and finds he fears someone. He then pulls the tail of the medusa 3 times and a secret door shows. After a corridor and a  T-intersection we go to the right and find a barred door. We go down a flight of stairs and find a chamber with a table, a chair and another door. Krovas realizes Chum must have had an invisibility ring and back to get it. Meanwhile the rest opens the door and finds Mayra, the prisoner girl. We go to the other branch of the T-intersection and find more prisoners in cages and pits of dead bodies. The girl turns into an Avernal Maiden surrisig and attacking Alof! She casts Darkness, Alof casts Light, and the rest attack her. She flies away and starts calling her father. A pit fiend appears and we flee.

Sunday - I played Emerly Gosre, a female cleric, and our group was instructed by Lady Eclavdra, Queen of the Vault, and Lyme, Lord Mage of House Eilservs, to kill the drow sage Erastoriûl Ka’arndrik who has betrayed your masters. The rest of the party were:
  • Pharmakeia, female assassin, 
  • Nivara, female fighter,
  • Deleri Karv, male magic user, 
  • Veldrin, male fighter/magic user
We were to navigate the monster infested sewers of the Vault to the basement of the Carnelian Tower, the residence of the sage. In the sewers we found a hag that tried to sell us some souls and, after our refusal, attacked us. When magical and physical attacks failed, Emerly sent her to its plane with an Abjure spell. We reached the basement of the tower and encountered a silver filament slime, an ooze-like creature that shoot tendrils that we found, the hard way, it sucked your memory, and was immune to magical attacks. We decided to flee before it ended up depleting our resources. After that we came across an altar and realized there was no more time to play, failing our mission. Most certainly our heads in pikes now decorate the entrance of House Eilservs...

Bonus - With the gift certificate I won from Frog God games I got the Swords & Wizardry PDF version of the following: 
  • Against Tsathogga 
  • Baron's Gambit 
  • Grimmsgate 
  • Cyclopean Deeps Chapter 1 
  • Cyclopean Deeps Chapter 2

Monday, September 27, 2021

My Virtual Greyhawk Con 2 Schedule - update

Yesterday I received a notification that the event I was going to participate on Saturday got cancelled. Luckily there were still some events with available places and I managed to get into one. Here's my updated schedule for Virtual Greyhawk Con 2.

Monday, August 16, 2021

Sunday, August 15, 2021

Virtual Greyhawk Con 2



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