Since I started playing Dungeons & Dragons back there in 1987 I've had many characters. With some of them I played long-term campaigns and with others just a few sessions. With time I started playing other games than D&D. This blog is dedicated to all of them and the hours of fun we've had together. Here they are along with other musings...
Monday, December 11, 2023
Saturday, December 11, 2021
Friday, December 10, 2021
Ekhard the Faceless
Thursday, December 09, 2021
Shawn Guardian of the Black Flame
This character was created for one of Aron Clark's D&D Holmes games. He has been exploring the mega dungeon of "Morthimion" by Gabor Lux. Shawn is a young human magic-user and the rest of the party members are:
Saturday, September 25, 2021
Hobbs & Friends of the OSR zines
Thursday, September 16, 2021
Aylen the Black & Fress

The sound of heavy footsteps lumbering down the stairs set everyone but Lokota, that stood its ground, into motion. Rollo hid around a corner, Aylen behind a bookstand, while Chad and Fress tied a rope to a metal ring and threw a rope down the chimney. Thaark, an apeish fur-covered brute clad in a purple robe and wizard hat, both too small for its frame, bursted into the room. The group was slow to react but the demon looked confused by what he saw. Rollo and Fress tried to sweet talk the fiend but things didn't turned as expected and the demon started to cast! Rollo swung his sword but missed. Fress emptied his waterskin on Thaark. The demon cast Charm Person on Fress but the thief resisted. Lokota moved in and launched a barrage of attacks (claws, talons and beak). Aylen cast Frost Shroud on the demons, freezing the water and dealing more damage. Rollo took a step back and reached for his bow but with his frostbitten fingers couldn't take a shot. Fress moved next to Aylen, that was casting again, to retrieve some holy water from her back pack. Thaark used his magic again, this time a blast of fire engulfed the room. Aylen, Fress and Chad fell burned to the ground. Rollo dived away just in time avoiding the flames. The room started to burn, wood, parchment and wool feeding the blaze. Lokota, apparently unaffected by the fire, lounged forward and teared Thaark's flesh with claws and talons, killing the demon, but also grazing Rollo with its beak in its charge. The surviving thief, ignoring Lokota now free from its master, grabbed some potion from the shelves and urged the demon to help him. Lokota agreed and rushed to help Aylen and Fress; poor Chad was a charred corpse beyond all hope. Sadly, despite Rollo's bravery and efforts none of them made it through.
There he stood, face to face with a masterless demon that longed for a heart to be free. He offered the hearts of his fallen companions, that the demon gladly accepted. As Rollo escaped, Lokota feasted on the corpses Aylen and Fress before flying away from the inferno of what once were Tizun's Halls.
Friday, August 27, 2021
Hundolfr Æsbiornsson
Following the steps of his Nordborn brethren Haf Skappson, just like many others before him, he came to explore the mythic jungles of Kalmatta and plunder whatever treasures there might be among the overgrown ruins.
A Purple Caecilian worm smashed him like a dog rolling in poop.
Wednesday, August 25, 2021
Wholesome, clever, prudent, nimble and likeable. Nobody could say anything bad about the young Raznaur. He had a promising career in the Guild, maybe too promising for some. And so, those who felt threatened began plotting against and finally framed him. The choices were banishment or death.
He chose banishment to Sindanore, but it was death in the end... (electric trap).
Tuesday, August 24, 2021
Monday, August 23, 2021
The Spaniard
A dwarf from the continent came to explore the dangerous jungles of Kalmatta in search of the Demon Stones. He paints his shields red and yellow.
Wednesday, August 02, 2017
Bonus issue of the Hobbs & Freinds of the OSR zine
Wednesday, June 28, 2017
OSR Encounter Contest winner
EDIT (July 5th): I have just listened to the latest episode (#147) of Gaming and BS RPG Podcast where the announcement was also made.
Also all entries will be published in a special edition of the Hobbs & Friends zine.
Saturday, May 20, 2017
OSR Encounter Contest - The curse of Vagrot the Blue
Friday, May 19, 2017
OSR Encounter Contest
My entry to the contest will be available soon in the Downloads section.
Monday, May 08, 2017
Xaxum Lano

She's Xaxum Lano, a young Tellurian tomb robber that, having heard the news about the doors of Mount Dwimmer had opened again, decided to explore the place in search of any rich treasures of yore that might replenish her depleted finances.
Raised and trained by DontoYuul, leader of the Plunderers, after her parents death, the skinny little girl proved to be very useful and profitable since she could fit through places that other didn't. Along the way she had to endure many things, both physically and emotionally, and though being a pretty face, she's short-tempered and got a sharp tongue. She recently left the gang with a promise of revenge, after learning that Donto was responsible for raid where her parents died.
S 9, I 7, W 12, D 16, C 10, Ch 6
Monday, April 24, 2017
Fonso Barsali
Fonso Barsali is my character on DWIMMERMARS. That's where +James Maliszewski's Dwimmermount meets ERB's Barsoom and it's run by +Adam Muszkiewicz.
STR 16, INT 14, WIS 6, DEX 13, CON 7, CHA 5
Obituary: "RIP Fonso the Remarkable. What les gendarmes couldn't kill, a gelatinous cube could. Fonso stood shoulder-to-shoulder with his blue Tellurian men-at-arms to the very end. If only any of them had survived to praise his virtues!" - Adam Muszkiewicz
Wednesday, April 19, 2017
Sir Ferdinand de Monte Vidi
"A charming young Knight from the Southern Kingdom, clad in leather armour, Sir Ferdinand stands confident by his warhorse waiting for the joust to begin. A squire, also in leather armour, looks after his lance and kite shield bearing his colours. His retinue of five men-at-arms armed with clubs, guard the camp keeping the curious at bay."
Check the rules of the game here.
STR 11, INT 8, WIS 11, DEX 7, CON 13, CHA 15, HP 4, XP 475
Knight's Station 7 (Bachelor)
Starting Armor (+2) Boiled Leather (AC 8)
Starting Shield (+1) Reinforced Kite Shield (BF# 1)
Starting Horse (+1) Light Warhorse 0/+1
STARTING SQUIRE (+1) F1 5 8 Boiled Leather, Dagger, Sword
STARTING RETINUE (+3) 5 Men-at-Arms (0 Level) Armed with clubs
2016 St. Valentine Tourney - 2 won, 1 lost
2016 Summer Festival of Riverjun - 1 bye, 1 lost
2017 Spring Tourney of Gulltown - 1 lost
Saturday, April 15, 2017
- Castle Greyhawk. An ongoing fanfiction webcomic by Scott Casper and +Mike Bridges.
- Drink Spin Run. An RPG talkshow podcast by +Adam Muszkiewicz and +Donn Stroud.
- Hobbs & Friends of the OSR. +Jason Hobbs & Friends are creating RPG podcasts, zines, and other RPG related material