Showing posts with label RPG. Show all posts
Showing posts with label RPG. Show all posts

Monday, August 05, 2024

Colonial RPG project

I have an ongoing project, slowly advancing, of writing a RPG (in Spanish) set in colonial South America, more specifically the era of the Viceroyalty of the Río de la Plata (roughly what are now Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay and Bolivia), in the context of the years of the revolutionary process of independence (c.1810). 

It is called "Cimarrones" in reference to the wild dogs descended from the original Alano Español dogs brought by early colonizers and later released or abandoned. They adapted to live in the wild highlands and grew in number attacking both livestock and people alike. The Cimarrón is nowadays bred as guarding or hunting dog.

The game incorporates magic, through the shamanism of indigenous ethnic groups, African spirits and the Catholic faith, as well as fantastical monsters based mainly on local folklore. We must take into account the vision of the colonial era, in which, when defining races in the Middle Ages, Europeans arbitrarily categorized humans into white, indian, black, and the cross between them into mestizo, mulatto, and zambo. Each of the races has modifiers to the attributes, as well as restrictions on the classes they can access. The available classes are Baqueano (scout), Chamán (shaman), Guerrero (warrior), Jesuita (cleric), Macumbero (witch doctor), Matrero (outlaw), Pai (priest) and Payador (bard).

The character's social class will determine how much money he or she has at the start of the adventure. They available social classes are: Aristocrat, Landowner, Bureaucrat, Free professional, Small merchant, Farmer, Artisan, Free man or Slave. It is worth clarifying that the life of an adventurer is not compatible with being a slave, unless the GM allows a character of this social class to be a slave of another character.

"El grito de Asencio" by Diógenes Hequet (1866-1902)

Tuesday, April 01, 2014

RPG Blogger Level 5 and going...

According to this post I'm an Thinker! Whatever that means... :-)

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

What Kind of D&D Character Would You Be?

I Am A: True Neutral Human Wizard (5th Level)

Ability Scores:

True Neutral A true neutral character does what seems to be a good idea. He doesn't feel strongly one way or the other when it comes to good vs. evil or law vs. chaos. Most true neutral characters exhibit a lack of conviction or bias rather than a commitment to neutrality. Such a character thinks of good as better than evil after all, he would rather have good neighbors and rulers than evil ones. Still, he's not personally committed to upholding good in any abstract or universal way. Some true neutral characters, on the other hand, commit themselves philosophically to neutrality. They see good, evil, law, and chaos as prejudices and dangerous extremes. They advocate the middle way of neutrality as the best, most balanced road in the long run. True neutral is the best alignment you can be because it means you act naturally, without prejudice or compulsion. However, true neutral can be a dangerous alignment when it represents apathy, indifference, and a lack of conviction.

Humans are the most adaptable of the common races. Short generations and a penchant for migration and conquest have made them physically diverse as well. Humans are often unorthodox in their dress, sporting unusual hairstyles, fanciful clothes, tattoos, and the like.

Wizards are arcane spellcasters who depend on intensive study to create their magic. To wizards, magic is not a talent but a difficult, rewarding art. When they are prepared for battle, wizards can use their spells to devastating effect. When caught by surprise, they are vulnerable. The wizard's strength is her spells, everything else is secondary. She learns new spells as she experiments and grows in experience, and she can also learn them from other wizards. In addition, over time a wizard learns to manipulate her spells so they go farther, work better, or are improved in some other way. A wizard can call a familiar- a small, magical, animal companion that serves her. With a high Intelligence, wizards are capable of casting very high levels of spells.

Find out What Kind of Dungeons and Dragons Character Would You Be?, courtesy of Easydamus (e-mail)

Monday, March 04, 2013

Read An RPG Book In Public Week

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Shakespeare Insult Kit Roller

"Thou !"

EDIT: Download the html here!"

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Shakespeare Insult Kit

Will certainly use this with my DCC wizard. :)

To create a Shakespearean insult roll 3d50 and combine one word from each of the three columns below, prefaced with "Thou":

Column 1  Column 2  Column 3
1 artless  base-court  apple-john 
2 bawdy  bat-fowling  baggage 
3 beslubbering  beef-witted  barnacle 
4 bootless  beetle-headed  bladder 
5 churlish  boil-brained  boar-pig 
6 cockered  clapper-clawed  bugbear 
7 clouted  clay-brained  bum-bailey 
8 craven  common-kissing  canker-blossom 
9 currish  crook-pated  clack-dish 
10 dankish  dismal-dreaming  clotpole 
11 dissembling  dizzy-eyed  coxcomb 
12 droning  doghearted  codpiece 
13 errant  dread-bolted  death-token 
14 fawning  earth-vexing  dewberry 
15 fobbing  elf-skinned  flap-dragon 
16 froward  fat-kidneyed  flax-wench 
17 frothy  fen-sucked  flirt-gill 
18 clocking  flap-mouthed  foot-licker 
19 goatish  fly-bitten  fustilarian 
20 gorbellied  folly-fallen  giglet
21 impertinent  fool-born  gudgeon 
22 infectious  full-gorged  haggard 
23 jarring  guts-griping  harpy
24 loggerheaded  half-faced  hedge-pig 
25 lumpish  hasty-witted  horn-beast 
26 mammering  hedge-born  hugger-mugger 
27 mangled  hell-hated  joithead 
28 mewling  idle-headed  lewdster 
29 paunchy  ill-breeding  lout
30 pribbling  ill-nurtured  maggot-pie 
31 puking  knotty-pated  malt-worm 
32 puny milk-livered  mammet
33 quailing  motley-minded  measie
34 rank onion-eyed  minnow 
35 reeky plume-plucked  miscreant 
36 roguish  pottle-deep  moldwarp 
37 ruttish  pox-marked  mumble-news 
38 saucy reeling-ripe  nut-hook 
39 spleeny  rough-hewn  pigeon-egg 
40 spongy  rude-growing  pignut
41 surly  rump-fed  puttock 
42 tottering  shard-borne  pumpion 
43 unmuzzled  sheep-biting  ratsbane 
44 vain spur-galled  scut
45 venomed  swag-bellied  skainsmate 
46 villainous  tardy-gaited  strumpet 
47 warped  tickle-brained  varlot
48 wayward  toad-spotted  vassal 
49 weedy unchin-snouted  whey-face 
50 yeasty weather-bitten wagtail

Thanks Joey Lindsey on G+ for digging this up.

EDIT: Download it here!

Tuesday, October 02, 2012


Thursday, July 26, 2012

Read An RPG Book in Public Week

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

My first RPG

Gaming as Women is running an experiment on G+ about how we got into role playing games.

1) What's the first RPG you ever played?

It was AD&D 1e in 1987.

2) How did you get involved in that game?

At that time I was in highschool and some classmates were already going through the Temple of Elemental Evil. Some of the guys weren't able to play at that time and they asked another friend and I if we wanted to join the game. Since then I never stopped playing.

3) What about your first game made you want to play again?

By then I was already into fantasy, reading Lord of the Rings books, and the game allowed me to actually play in a similar setting, taking imagination to another level. But above all, it was another chance to hang out and have fun with friends, and also meet new people.


EDIT: I forgot to mention I met my wife at the gaming table! ;)

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Answering Brendan's 20 questions

You can look at Brendan's original post here.

  1. Ability scores generation method? 
    • 4d6 drop lower.
  2. How are death and dying handled? 
    • You're disabled at 0 hp, unconscious at 1- and dead at -10 hp.
  3. What about raising the dead?
    • If you can find a cleric powerful enough and can pay him, you're back!
  4. How are replacement PCs handled? 
    • Just roll another and you're back in.
  5. Initiative: individual, group, or something else? 
    • Individual.
  6. Are there critical hits and fumbles? How do they work? 
    • 1 always misses. 20 always hits and you can choose double damage or roll damage dice twice.
  7. Do I get any benefits for wearing a helmet?
    • Yes.
  8. Can I hurt my friends if I fire into melee or do something similarly silly?
    • Yes you certainly can.
  9. Will we need to run from some encounters, or will we be able to kill everything?
    • It's your choice, you can run or you can try kill everything.
  10. Level-draining monsters: yes or no?
    • Yes.
  11. Are there going to be cases where a failed save results in PC death?
    • Yes.
  12. How strictly are encumbrance & resources tracked?
    • Resources closely tracked. Encumbrance more lightly.
  13. What's required when my PC gains a level? Training? Do I get new spells automatically? Can it happen in the middle of an adventure, or do I have to wait for down time?
    • You don't need to train to gain new level but you have to wait for down time.
  14. What do I get experience for?
    • Treasure, defeating monsters (killing, bypassing, negotiating), cool ideas.
  15. How are traps located? Description, dice rolling, or some combination?
    • Give me a description of what you're looking for and what you're doing, and I'll let you roll.
  16. Are retainers encouraged and how does morale work?
    • They are and the retainer's morale is the character's charisma score.
  17. How do I identify magic items?
    • Using them or by magic.
  18. Can I buy magic items? Oh, come on: how about just potions?
    • In 3.5 yes. In LL no, just potions.
  19. Can I create magic items? When and how?
    • Yes you can. At the appropriate level, in a proper lab.
  20. What about splitting the party?
    • Sure, be my guest. Mmmwhawhahaha!!

Monday, March 05, 2012

Read An RPG Book in Public Week

Sunday, March 04, 2012

Happy GMs' Day!

A quick post just to wish a happy GMs' Day to all my fellow Game Masters! ;-)

Thank you Gary!

Wednesday, February 29, 2012


I'd like to share with you the ongoing work we're doing with my friend and fellow gamer Gerardo Tasistro on a new RPG called Era. It's not yet complete but feedback is more than welcome, so please feel free to comment. 

Friday, January 27, 2012

An urban RPG?

After reading this article on the WIRED magazine, my first thought was "Could this be the base for an RPG?". I'm no game designer, just a plain DM/player, so maybe I'm missing the point. Haven't even written a module, although I've submitted a couple of works for the "One Page Dungeon Contest" if that counts. :)

What are your thoughts?

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Uber-Geek Game Table

Check it out!

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Thank you!

According to this post by Cyclopeatron this blog made it into the first 100 and gained 6 new followers since last month. Thanks a lot to all of you.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Level up!

Thanks to the latest additions of fellow bloggers from The Happy Whisk and Gothridge Manor, I've reached level 4 with the rank of Comentator. Thanks all!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Catching up

Last weekend was scheduled to be a gaming one, but it wasn't. Every two weeks I play Millenium's End on Friday and DM my Labyrinth Lord sandbox game on Saturday. I started playing ME about a couple of months ago through one of my players of the sandbox game. He warned me that the gaming style of that group was not as high-paced as I am used to. And he was right. It is more like a social gathering of friends, than a proper gaming session. By proper I mean you get together with the main (only?) purpose of role playing. Of course there's always some catching up and pauses to eat, but this guys have such a low atention span! I mean the play every Friday (one ME and the other Vampire) and are online all week. How much do you have to catch up? I know it sounds like I'm complaining, but I'm not. I just find them amusing! It's always good to meet new people with different gaming styles.

The thing is that last Friday there was only a couple of hours of proper gaming, and then I have to cancel Saturday's game because one of the player's girlfriend was sick and he wouldn't leave her. Another two (a couple) had a birthday party and could come after it, but since last session ended on the verge of a combat, I wanted everyone to be present. So, next game would be in two weeks. I'm going to miss the ME session since I'm DMing my Maure Castle 3.5e sort-of-monthly game, and hope everyone could make it to the sandbox game on Saturday.

In other topic, according to the Old School RPG Blogger Advancement Table at From the Sorcere's Skull, I'm one follower short of becoming a Comentator! Thanks to all and a warm welcome to the recent ones.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Read An RPG Book in Public Week

Just a quick reminder that we're in the last "Read An RPG Book in Public Week" of the year. A curious event to promote the hobby.

Monday, September 20, 2010

RPG Blogger Level 3 and going...

According to this post I'm an Enthusiast! :-)


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