Monday, February 23, 2009

Sagard D'Abernon

This character was created for an Ars Magica 5th Ed. campaign set in the medieval England of the year 1220. (DM: Pipe)

Sagard, born in 1197, is a young magus of House Jerbiton that has recently passed the certamen. He comes from a noble family originary of Normandy. He and other young sodales are to establish a new covenant in the dangerous frontier between England and Wales, now in conflict after the death of William Marshall, 1st Earl of Pembroke, in 1219 and the raise of Prince Llywelyn of Wales.

Sagard's sodales:
  • Iagno Vasilievich of House Tremere (Alex W.)
  • Pence Lambert of House Flambeau (Eduardo B.)
  • Arilestar Depulsoris Swan of House Tytalus (Fernanda)
Int +3, Per +1, Str -1, Sta +2, Pre +1, Com +1, Dex 0, Qik 0
Creo 1, Intellego 2, Muto 6, Perdo 6, Rego 6, Imaginem 10, Mentem 5

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Wakenabe Matsuo

This character was created for a 3.5e Oriental Adventures campaign we usually play on Fridays every now and then (DM: Ejbs).

Matsuo is a ninja/yakuza of the clan Wakenabe from the city of Okami on a mission to replace a scroll in the castle of the daymio of Mura-Sabishi. This mission was successful. The new one is to infiltrate the enemy army and obtain their battle plans. So far so good...

The other members of the ninja party are:
  • Katsuhiro, a human ninja/bu-shi (Javier R.)
  • Myuri, a human ninja/wu-jen (German H.)
  • Sasaki, a human ninja/wu-jen (retired) (Martin F.)
  • Takeshi, a human ninja/shaman (Daniel R.)
  • Matsuo, a human ninja/yakuza (Gabriel P.)
Str 14, Int 17, Wis 16, Dex 17, Con 16, Cha 16


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