Friday, July 31, 2009

One Page Dungeon Contest 2009 Codex & Compendium

Keeping their promise Chgowiz and ChattyDM (two of the contest judges) released in PDF the One Page Dungeon Codex 2009 (the "Hobbyist" version as they call it) and the One Page Dungeon Compendium. The Codex is a compilation of the winning entries, runner ups and honorable mentions and the Compendium contains all of the contest entries. Mine is here!

As a bonus the Codex has a great cover made by Mark Allen. He's the winner of "The Erol Otus Art Challenge" in the Color category (May 2009). Next month they'll be publishing a "Professional" version with aditional content and art for the three winners.

Well done guys!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Medieval battle records go online

The detailed service records of 250,000 medieval soldiers from 1369 to 1453- including archers who served with Henry V at the Battle of Agincourt - have gone online.

See the whole study here.

Friday, July 17, 2009

New look!

I decided it was time to give the blog a new look, so I changed the template and modified its HTML code in order to add a background. The chosen background is the image on the left. I used GIMP to have it resized and then applied an "old photo" filter. All but two of the miniatures were hand-painted by my wife (BTW she plays D&D too!) and me. The other two (Caramon at the front and the barbarian at the center) were painted by a friend and fellow gamer.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Ennies 2009

Just added this cool banner I found in Chgowiz's blog to support the truly free RPGs nominated in the Ennies 2009 as best free product. What are "truly free products"? They're products which are not intended to be quick-starters for, or stripped-down versions of, commercial produced ones. Every vote counts! Don't forget to cast yours!

Friday, July 03, 2009

One Page Dungeon: Shrine of the Rodent God

This blog has been up for some time and its sole intention was to have a place to keep my RPG characters. I always wanted to post something else about my hobby but I guess I didn't have anything worth to say until the 1PDC. Being a player and DM for some time, I must say I enjoyed very much the whole process of creating and submitting an entry (Shrine of the Rodent God). Though it didn't get even an honorable mention, someone found it likeable and took the time to made some comments about it.

Follow this link to found more about them: Alex Schroeder: 2009-07-02 More of my 1PDC Favorites:

"Shrine of the Rodent God by Gabriel Perez: The first room starts with an “in your face” trap. I like that. The magic mouth gives you instructions and everybody immediately suspects that something is going to happen – but nobody knows what. I also like it that you can get to the other side of the trap and loot it.

The best part about this dungeon are the various lycanthropes that the players might ally themselves with. There’s a wererat, a werebat, and a werecat “of the Feline Order” – hell yeah! – trying to fight them. I like the setup!"

Thanks Alex!


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