Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Spanish version of Labyrinth Lord

Long time no post. The news are that with the go ahead given by Dan Proctor I've started the huge project of translating the Labyrinth Lord Core Rules into Spanish. Although I've always used D&D books and modules in English, I thought it would be a good idea to make LL available to Spanish speaking fans. I know there's a lot of work ahead (almost 90k words!) but the cause is worth the effort.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Labyrinth Lord Revised Edition

I've got from RPGNow my PDF version of the latest edition of Labyrinth Lord by Goblinoid Games. This new effort by Dan Proctor has more artwork, which I fancy a lot, and corrects some minor details from the previous version. I hope to have it printed and binded soon. I also find really handy Lord Kilgore's idea of printing booklets with pages 1-60 for the players. If we continue to play every weekend, I hope to end our current campaign (3.5e) before the end of the year. And I say "hope" because we spent last session (9 PM to 3 AM with 1 hour break for dinner) in just one combat. Man, this is so wrong. I guess we're not playing a roleplaying game anymore but a tactical wargame. In combat every decision taken by the players is the result of a maximizing algorithm, and that's what makes the pacing so slow. I have nothing against wargames (hey, RPGs evolved from them and their creators were wargamers first) but it's not what I want to play. At least for now.


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