Friday, July 30, 2010

Read An RPG Book in Public Week

Remember we're in the second "Read An RPG Book in Public Week" of the year. Certainly a curious event to promote the hobby. Click on the image above to find out more about it!

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Blackmoor baronies

I've been gathering all the available information on the web about the World of Greyhawk realm of the Archbarony of Blackmoor for my new campaign that I'm starting soon for a new group.

Although I've found plenty of it, there was a question that has been on my head for some time: What are the names of the ten baronies of the Archbarony of Blackmoor? Since that information is nowhere to be found I decided to create the list myself.

Here it goes:

1. Dantredun
2. Glendour
3. Dearthkettle
4. Ramshorn (ruins; later rebuilt)
5. Blackmoor (ruins)
6. Kolbenborg (ruins)
7. Stornawane
8. Trollbar
9. Broomsage (ruins; only the abbey remain)
10. Mosshold

I didn't include Tonnsborg as a possible barony because it was founded by the Zeai as a mere trading outpost. Initially Broomsage was not on the list for being mentioned just as an abbey but, giving it a second thought, maybe the abbey is all that survived of that barony. I also considered Mosshold to be on the list and discarded for being too near to Blackmoor town to be a separate barony. Then thought that that wasn't a good enough reason and completed the list with it.

According with the GHWiki four of the ten baronies are in ruins: Blackmoor was destroyed by the forces of the Egg of Coot, Kolbenborg was abandoned for being near the fabled City of the Gods, Ramshorn was in ruins until Teuod Fent rebuilt it, and of Broomsage all that is left is the abbey.

This list is by no means definite and it's open to suggestions or modifications.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Ennies 2010 Nominees

Labyrinth Lord received a Honorable Mention for Best Game in this year's ENnie nomnations. That's very significant since it's tough category. Labyrinth Lord is getting the attention and recognition it deserves from the gaming community. Congratulations to Dan Proctor and don't forget to vote when the time comes.

Thursday, July 08, 2010

2010 World Cup - Uruguay for a place in the podium

Last Tuesday in a thrilling and exciting game the "Charruas" fought to the last round against the "Orange Clockwork", but it was not enough. They left the battlefield defeated but with their heads high for they gave everything, everything. They should be proud for what they've done so far. A superb World Cup.

Next Saturday the "Celestes" will face the Teutonic juggernaut that, despite their stumble against Serbia, passed like a steamroller over their opponents. Until today where they crashed against the Spaniards led by "Tarzan" Puyol. A great achievement for "La Furia" to reach the finals for the first time.

Just like in 1970, the fight for the 3rd. place repeats itself, Uruguay vs. Germany. We hope to win and avenge that previous match but, whatever the result, be sure the team will be received back as champions. Thank you guys and good luck!


Tuesday, July 06, 2010


Instead of the Monday's imagination quote, I thought to share with you a product of the imagination of who is considered the father of the sword and sorcery literary genre, Robert E. Howard.

Last week arrived what is the latest addition to the fantasy section of our library. I must confess that I've never read anything of Robert E. Howard's work (yes, beleive it or not). My wife have always wanted me to and she wanted to re-read them but never found a good compilation of all the Conan stories. Until she found this edition that contains the complete collection of all the original adventures in the order they were written.

This edition is also profusely and superbly illustrated by artist Mark Schultz and it even contains maps of the Hyborian Age drawn by REH himself.

I'm already enjoying reading the first book "The Coming of Conan the Cimmerian" and I hope to find in the pages of all three books inspiration and ideas for present and future campaigns.

Friday, July 02, 2010

2010 World Cup - Uruguay in semi-finals

The quality of the players and lucky, very lucky dices, even at times against the Dungeon Master, made it possible to a dream come true. To be, for the first time since 1970, among the four best. A truly epic victory. Thank you for this guys, you were lions in the field, giving everything regardless how tired you were, thank you so much! Congratulations!

¡Arriba URUGUAY!


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