Monday, April 24, 2017

Fonso Barsali

Fonso Barsali is my character on DWIMMERMARS. That's where +James Maliszewski's Dwimmermount meets ERB's Barsoom and it's run by +Adam Muszkiewicz

Fonso is a Greco-Roman wrestler of Roma origin, but also fugitive anarchist who joined a gypsy circus as a strongman to avoid being arrested. With the intinerant troupe he travelled all over Europe and reached Paris just in time for the 1889 Exposition Universelle.

Once there, he managed to be among the first people to ascend the Eiffel Tower. As the lift went up, and everyone on board admired the exposition, that covered the Champ de Mars, the Trocadéro, the quai d'Orsay, a part of the Seine and the Invalides esplanade, it accelerated with a flash to speeds never known before. The next thing was everyone waking up, naked, on the barren lands of Tellus.

STR 16, INT 14, WIS 6, DEX 13, CON 7, CHA 5

Obituary: "RIP Fonso the Remarkable. What les gendarmes couldn't kill, a gelatinous cube could. Fonso stood shoulder-to-shoulder with his blue Tellurian men-at-arms to the very end. If only any of them had survived to praise his virtues!" - Adam Muszkiewicz

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Sir Ferdinand de Monte Vidi

Sir Ferdinand is a Knight that regularly travels to the Jousting Fields of the Axe Lands to participate on the various jousting events, meet new people and compete for the chance to win OSR prizes.

"A charming young Knight from the Southern Kingdom, clad in leather armour, Sir Ferdinand stands confident by his warhorse waiting for the joust to begin. A squire, also in leather armour, looks after his lance and kite shield bearing his colours. His retinue of five men-at-arms armed with clubs, guard the camp keeping the curious at bay."

Check the rules of the game here.

STR 11, INT 8, WIS 11, DEX 7, CON 13, CHA 15, HP 4, XP 475

Knight's Station 7 (Bachelor)
Starting Armor (+2) Boiled Leather (AC 8)
Starting Shield (+1) Reinforced Kite Shield (BF# 1)
Starting Horse (+1) Light Warhorse 0/+1
STARTING SQUIRE (+1) F1 5 8 Boiled Leather, Dagger, Sword
STARTING RETINUE (+3) 5 Men-at-Arms (0 Level) Armed with clubs


2016 St. Valentine Tourney - 2 won, 1 lost

2016 Summer Festival of Riverjun - 1 bye, 1 lost

2017 Spring Tourney of Gulltown - 1 lost

Monday, April 17, 2017

Gwynn Woods

Gwynn Woods is my character in the Warhammer 1st Ed. campaign run by Craig Brasco  via Google+ hangouts. It is set in his home-brew world of Urlund, a low-magic, Game of Thrones style setting, with different houses forging alliances or scheming against each other. He's a woodsman pursuing a career as a scout for one of this houses.

Race: Human
Alignment: Good
Height: 6’ 0”
Class: Ranger
Age: 24
Career: Woodsman - Scout
Gender: Male
Fate: 2

Stats: M 4, WS 38, BS 43, S 4, T 3, W 7, I  33, A 1, Dex 27, Ld 24, Int 33, Cl 40, WP 38, Fel 29

Skills: Speak Urlander, Very Resilient (+1 Toughness), Sixth Sense, Nightvision (2d6 yards), Concealment Rural, Follow Trail (+10 to Initiative), Identify Plants, Set Trap, Silent Move Rural, Specialist Weapon - Two-handed Weapon, Spot Trap, Secret Language (Ranger). Animal Care, Secret Signs (Scout).

Sunday, April 16, 2017

Atacius Lightfoot

Atacius Lightfoot is my character in Michael Shorten Dark Ages campaign run on the Rizzoma platform. It's a revamp of an old campaign that Michael used to run over the now defunct Google Wave.

He's a littleling (halfling) thief from the Direlands that had to leave his homeland, because of a feud with another littleling who falsely accused him of a crime,  and traveled to the Southern port town of Skalfier in search of a new life. There he has found friends, adventures, wealth and, in the village of Appleton, a place he can call 'home'.

Michael Shorten commented on his blog: "Gabriel plays a curious, no-fear (sometimes) littleling (halfling) to the fullest, and when I tempt him with coins, I can feel that 'aw man, do I/don't I?'"

You can check the development of the game here.

UPDATE: The game runs on a Discord channel since September 2019.

Str 10, Dex 11, Con 13, Int 9, Wis 9, Cha 7  

Saturday, April 15, 2017


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Friday, April 14, 2017

One Page Dungeon Contest 2017

I have sent my submission for this year's One Page Dungeon Contest. It is called 'Crypt of the Lost Hymns' and it's inspired on the +Metal Gods of Ur-Hadad DCC game, set in the World of Ore. I want to thank the Metal Gods crew for the inspiration and +Jarrett Crader for the suggested edits.

“In the vast windswept plains North of Ur-Hadad, the First City of Men, a lonely barrow is the only landmark for many miles around.”

You can click on the Downloads button above to get it.

Thursday, April 13, 2017

Time to dust off this blog

I've been neglecting this blog for way too long. Almost a year and a half without posting! I guess it's because most of my online activity is now on G+.  

Let's recap what gaming-ralated events had happened since last post:
  • +Drink Spin Run - An RPG Talk Show Podcast awesome t-shirt finally arrived. (Mar. 2017)
  • Received +Diogo Nogueira 'Sharp Swords & Sinister Spells' RPG after the first one got lost in the way. (Feb. 2017)
  • Got my Sons of Gygax t-shirt. (Feb. 2017)
  • Received +Doug Kovacs Sketchbook. (Nov. 2016)
  • Received a WayneCon t-shirt and swag from +Wayne Snyder. (Sep. 2016)
  • Revamped my 1-on-1 PBeM-style Greyhawk 5e campaign on It is set in the Phostwood forest after the occupation of Tenh by the Stonefist barbarians and the forces of Iuz. My only player leads a band of warriors that make guerrilla warfare against the invaders.(Aug. 2016-present)
  • Received an AS&SH boxed set I bought from +Michael Curtis. (Aug. 2016)
  • Received my copy of 'Null Singularity' by +Steven Bean. (Jan. 2016)
  • Also received +Richard LeBlanc CC1 - Creature Compendium that I won on the OSR Christmas Giveaway. (Jan. 2016)
  • Received Taylor Frank's zine 'Dungeon Lord: The Wayne Con' issue. (Dec. 2015)
  • Received some 'It's Wizard Time!' stickers from +Wayne Snyder. (Nov. 2015)
  • Ran D&D for my nephews! (Nov. 2015)
  • +James MacGeorge send me a copy and a t-shirt of 'Black Sun Death Crawl'. (Late 2015)
Also I've been playing a lot of games on Mondays/Thursdays on Google+ hangouts. Mainly it's been DCC, but also Traveler, Delta Green, Maze Rats and Black Hack. On 'Wednesdays of OSR' I've ran another Greyhawk 5e campaign, this one set in the Yeomanry/Sea Princes area, play-tested +Craig Brasco's Above Snakes RPG and also played Torchbearer and Runequest 6.

I'll try to post more frequntly from now on.


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