Monday, August 30, 2021

Zola & Cree

Zola was my first character in Jay Murphy's game set in Rom'Myr Dying Earth and using the Basic Fantasy RPG ruleset. He was a thief from the city of Valla'Tair that ended killed by a bator in the Yonni'Hor mountains.

Drawing by Jay Murphy

Cree was a monster hunter and thief also from Valla'Tair. He had a more extended career, having the chance to explore the multi-verse before coming back to deal with some unfinished business in Valla'Tair, the starting campaign city.

You can check Jay's blog or watch the games on his YouTube channel.

Saturday, August 28, 2021


This was my character on Larry Hamilton's Delvers Deep game.

Olobaris is an elven magic user from the Verdant Vale and (former) follower of LUMENOR. His mentor has sent him to The Deep to find its secrets and harvest rare materials for the manufacture of scrolls and potions.

He wears green and blue robes with a dagger on his belt, and leans on a wooden staff. A guard dog named Argo is always by his side.

He spends his downtime in Delvington drawing or scribing scrolls, providing he has enough time.

After his first delve he joined one of the Delving Organizations, the United Delvers.

In his second delve he became Herald of XAGIS, after the party awakened the god of Snow, Crossorads and Magic Users. Now he is spreading his word in Delvington, having attracted a few followers and the atention of other faiths. He has traveled East past the The Deep to Hillford and the surrounding hills to plunder some old tombs.

Friday, August 27, 2021

Hundolfr Æsbiornsson


Following the steps of his Nordborn brethren Haf Skappson, just like many others before him, he came to explore the mythic jungles of Kalmatta and plunder whatever treasures there might be among the overgrown ruins.

A Purple Caecilian worm smashed him like a dog rolling in poop.

Check the Kalmatta sessions here!

Thursday, August 26, 2021

Sharp Swords & Sinister Spells quick reference sheet

Just recently, I came across this cool and useful quick reference sheet for the Sharp Swords & Sinister Spells rules set made by Starship & Steel.

Wednesday, August 25, 2021



Wholesome, clever, prudent, nimble and likeable. Nobody could say anything bad about the young Raznaur. He had a promising career in the Guild, maybe too promising for some. And so, those who felt threatened began plotting against and finally framed him. The choices were banishment or death.

He chose banishment to Sindanore, but it was death in the end... (electric trap).

Check the Kalmatta sessions here!

(Drawing by Jeff Easley)

Tuesday, August 24, 2021



Aneela, priestess of Ninkasi, landed in Sindanore after learning that, after eons of being lost, the famous Chalice of Ninkasi had been found in the dangerous jungles of Kalmatta.

Got blood-boiled by a call lightning from the Horned King.

Check the Kalmatta sessions here!

(Drawing by Larry Elmore)

Monday, August 23, 2021

The Spaniard


A dwarf from the continent came to explore the dangerous jungles of Kalmatta in search of the Demon Stones. He paints his shields red and yellow. 

Still alive in Sindanore after 8 expeditions.

Check the Kalmatta sessions here!

Sunday, August 22, 2021

Nathan Deryondomyn

This character was created for a AD&D 2e campaign (DM: Rous?). 

I was inspired by the movie "Last of the Mohicans" to make this character, specially by the character of Nathaniel Poe. He was a half-elven ranger from the Welkwood who worshipped the elven diety Solonor Thelandira. He had a racoon as animal companion named Rascal. 

I don't remember who were the other members of the group and can't find the character sheet. :(

Monday, August 16, 2021

Sunday, August 15, 2021

Virtual Greyhawk Con 2



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