A long postponed Gary Con XVI post.
After about 19 hours that included three flights (Montevideo - San Pablo, San Pablo - Atlanta and Atlanta - Milwaukee), we finally arrived at Milwaukee Mitchell International Airport and took an Uber to Lake Geneva. I was travelling with Javier, a long time friend and player in my Greyhawk campaigns.
Almost there! |
Finally! |
Wednesday 20th - Met with online friends Jason Hobbs & James Richards at the Fairfield. Then took the shuttle to the Grand Geneva for the Con registration. At the entrance I met with Erik Mona and shared an anecdote from GenCon 2014, 10 years ago! While at the registration queue met with Aron Clark (who we were staying with), Stu Clark, Jarret Crader, Jay "Lord Gosumba" Scott and Anna B. Meyer. Later at the bar met Diogo Nogueira from Brazil, also after 10 years. Then after dinner we had a Holmes & Clark game run by Aron Clark.
Erik Mona |
Stu, Jason, Bill, James and Javier |
Diogo Nogueira |
Stu, Javier, me and Aron Clark |
Thursday 21st - We had our first scheduled game "The Sample Dungeon" from Holmes Basic rulebook run by Thom Hall. Awesome game! At the exhibitor's hall met with Doug Kovacs, also after 10 years. Met with Carlos Mondragón an online fellow gamer and Greyhawk fan from Mexico. Meeting Larry Elmore & Jeff Easley again was a great pleasure and honor, and Darlene for the first time too. Bought signed prints from all of them. Then headed for a Greyhawk Seminar where I met Mike Bridges, who signed the Complete Castle Greyhawk comic book. Just before dinner had the chance to meet Luke Gygax and after dinner we had an Old School Essentials game run by Jason Hobbs.
The Sample Dungeon (DM Thom) |
Diogo, Doug Kovacs and Javier |
Carlos Mondragón |
Larry Elmore |
Jeff Easley |
Darlene |
Mike Bridges |
Luke Gygax |
Jason, ?, Aron and Javier |
Friday 22nd - Woke up to Lake Geneva covered in snow! Headed for the Grand Geneva where I met Michael "ChgoWiz" Shorten & his wife Angie. Been playing in Michael's PBP games since maybe 2016 and more recently in his online game. Then had our second scheduled game "The Doom Beneath Welkwood - Part One" run by Timothy Jumper. Although it began a bit late, it was a great game. Met with Carlos A. S. Lising and had an enlightening conversation about Greyhawk. The miniature sets for the "Battle of the Moathouse" and the "Battle of the Temple of Elemental Evil" were simply mind-blowing. For dinner I had the pleasure of meeting Adam & Katie Muskiewicz and their lovely kids Stan & Wyn.
D&D Pilgrimage Tour map |
Gen Con I was here |
Gary Gygax Memorial
Appendix N corner & Throne of Reading |
RJK's home
Gary's home |
Birthplace of D&D |
Chainmail game |
TSR's first HQ |
At Gary's former office |
Justin Lanasa |
Sunday 24th - Last day of the Con had an early game with Carlos A. S. Lising where we playtested a scenario. Loved his DMing style. Then had another miniatures game, Chaos Wars, with Michael Shorten. Headed to the exhibitor's hall for some last minute purchases. Met with Allan "grodog" Grohe who was manning his Black Blade publishing booth. I have the pleasure of playing in his online Castle Greyhawk game. Also after 10 years, met again with Wayne Snyder at the DCC booth (no picture duh).
casl game |
Chaos Wars game |
Allan Grohe |
Monday 25th - Breakfast with Allan Grohe, Victor Raymond, Javier and Aron Clark, where we talked about the hobby, Greyhawk, Empire of the Petal Throne and more. Can't believe we forgot to get a picture. Then visited the Lake Geneva Museum to get the D&D 50th Anniversary t-shirt before heading to Milwaukee to catch the plane back home.
Lake Geneva Museum |
Cheers to a life well played! |
It was a dream come true. A once in a lifetime experience. So glad of personally meeting for the first time so many people I've known online for so long (Aron, Hobbs, Stu, James, Michael, Allan, Jarret), meeting some new ones (both Carlos, Mike, Jay, Anna, Victor), and to see others again after many years (Adam, Katie, Doug, Diogo). Had a great time!
Finally, thanks Javi for joining me in this adventure, Aron for letting us crash at that wonderful cottage, my wife Rous for her support, and my son Ivan for forgiving that I missed his 13th birthday.