Friday, August 23, 2024


I financially support the following content creators on Patreon:
I've also joined for free the following creators (any donations will go to upgrade these memberships):
  • The Greyhawk Project - new and exciting material inspired and influenced by the first two great fantasy role-playing campaign settings.
  • Oerth Odysseys - Mason Fantasy Cartography, D&D Campaign Adventures
  • Gaxx Worx - Explore the World of Okkorim with Luke Gygax
  • Kristian Richards - terrain, props, maps and miniatures for TTRPGs
Please consider supporting them too!

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Familiar Link

I introduced this ability to the magic-user class as a house rule in my AD&D 1e game, in order to give more flavor to the bond between the magic-user and his familiar.

Familiar Link: The magic-user, if he concentrates as when casting a spell, has a 10%/level ability to establish a telepathic connection with the familiar. This percentage is modified by the distance to the familiar (-2% per mile) and the maximum distance to establish the connection is equal to the range of the Find Familiar spell (1 mile/level). The connection will last as long as the magic-user is focused on maintaining it. Through that connection he will be able to feel the same as the familiar feels, and also send simple commands, as long as they do not go against the familiar's survival instinct.

Monday, August 05, 2024

Colonial RPG project

I have an ongoing project, slowly advancing, of writing a RPG (in Spanish) set in colonial South America, more specifically the era of the Viceroyalty of the Río de la Plata (roughly what are now Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay and Bolivia), in the context of the years of the revolutionary process of independence (c.1810). 

It is called "Cimarrones" in reference to the wild dogs descended from the original Alano Español dogs brought by early colonizers and later released or abandoned. They adapted to live in the wild highlands and grew in number attacking both livestock and people alike. The Cimarrón is nowadays bred as guarding or hunting dog.

The game incorporates magic, through the shamanism of indigenous ethnic groups, African spirits and the Catholic faith, as well as fantastical monsters based mainly on local folklore. We must take into account the vision of the colonial era, in which, when defining races in the Middle Ages, Europeans arbitrarily categorized humans into white, indian, black, and the cross between them into mestizo, mulatto, and zambo. Each of the races has modifiers to the attributes, as well as restrictions on the classes they can access. The available classes are Baqueano (scout), Chamán (shaman), Guerrero (warrior), Jesuita (cleric), Macumbero (witch doctor), Matrero (outlaw), Pai (priest) and Payador (bard).

The character's social class will determine how much money he or she has at the start of the adventure. They available social classes are: Aristocrat, Landowner, Bureaucrat, Free professional, Small merchant, Farmer, Artisan, Free man or Slave. It is worth clarifying that the life of an adventurer is not compatible with being a slave, unless the GM allows a character of this social class to be a slave of another character.

"El grito de Asencio" by Diógenes Hequet (1866-1902)


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