Friday, November 04, 2005

Elendil Hojanegra

This was a originally a D&D 1e character converted later to AD&D 2e (DM: Marcelo B.).

The Temple was over and we headed for our next adventure: A1-4 Scourge of the Slavelords. Some of the players had left so I took over Elendil. I've already played a fighter and a cleric, so now I had the chance to play a multiclass for the first time.

By that time the adventuring party was composed by:
  • Rolf von Geoff, a human paladin of St. Cuthbert (Rodolfo P.)
  • Elendil Hojanegra, a drow magic-user/thief (Gabriel P.)
  • Sir Toxford, a half-elven cavalier of Hanali Celanil (Rodrigo P.)
  • Elwitt, a dwarven fighter (Pablo B.)
  • Kwong, a human monk (Daniel R.)
  • Alof Star, a human cleric of St. Cuthbert (NPC)
After some time the cavalier left for the Happy Hunting Grounds (bah died) and the party was joined by Dexter, a half-orc fighter. In that campaign Elwitt and Kwong also died. After completing the adventure, the survivors returned to Hommlet and waited for the next.

Elendil Hojanegra was an ugly renegade drow from somewhere below the Hellfurnaces (although the original sheet said Tenh). He was independent, unpredictable and a natural prankster, cunning and agile but not very wise. Being of CN alignement he worshipped Erevan Ilesere.

Str 10, Int 18, Wis 8, Dex 19, Con 10, Cha 9, Cms 8


  1. Un par de recuerdos de Sergio B. el creador de Elendil Hojanegra:

    "El carrito para llevar tesoro en el "Temple of Elemental Evil" de Rodrigo P. Rodrigo P. (Paladin) y Martín F. (Asesino), en la misma "party" y todavía caminando abrazados después de haber ganado una batalla. "Somos amigos, igual somos Lawfull..." decían.


  2. After defeating the hordes of the Temple, Elendil became Elder of the land of Veluna and Furyondy.



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