Monday, January 16, 2006


This character was created for an AD&D 2e campaign (DM: Rous).
This group of characters adventured in many diferent parts of the Flannaes, from the Cold Marshes in the north to the infamous Osson's Raid in southern Medegia. We had a lot of fun with this group. The Silverleaf brothers were really chaotic and some of our doings are still remembered: torturing a tortured kobold, using the bard as bait to "fish" sahuagins, ventriloquism with Jame's dead corpse, cutting kenku's hands to infiltrate their lair and much more!. ;-)
The other members of the group were:
  • Cedric Silverleaf, an elven fighter (Federico V.)
  • ??? Silverleaf, an elven cleric of Elhonna (Pedro C.)
  • James, a human psionicist (Diego O.)
  • Branwyn, a half-elven bard (yeah, yeah, I know, ANOTHER bard) (Gabriel P.)
Str 12, Int 13, Wis 15, Dex 12, Con 16, Cha 15, Cms 16

1 comment:

  1. I remember one session that we had to, for some now forgotten reason, face some sahuagins. We wanted to lure them out of the water because we had no way to breathe under it. Since Branwyn had a ring of water walking the Silverleaf brothers tied a rope around him and shoved him to the water. That way we fished and killed them one by one until they were all dead. Not a very effective way, but a funny one.



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