Saturday, January 14, 2006

Niall Slainte-Mhath

This character was rolled for a AD&D 2e high level (15th) campaign.

The idea was concocted by two dungeon masters (Gerardo T. & Ejbs) that wanted to join their groups into a mega-adventure. An ambitious project indeed, but the first (and only) session was C-H-A-O-T-I-C!!. Sorry it didn't work since I've never played a high level character before.

Niall was a half-elven Riddlemaster. Yeah I know, another bard. I guesss I have "a thing" with bards. Anyway, he was to re-unite a group of powerful adventurers and guide them to the fabled Dragon Mountain and unveil its secrets... and treasures.

Those high-level adventurers were:

  • Inshalen, a grey elf magic-user/thief
  • Egil Steinthor, a human runecaster
  • Agnar Bloodaxe, a dwarven weapons master
  • Avelogue, a human cleric
  • Questor, a human magic-user
  • Lady Melian of Roke, a human paladin
  • Alanon, a human druid
  • Niall, a half-elven riddlemaster
Niall turned through the years from an adventuring bard to an adventuring scholar or sage. Always interested in myths and legends of different cultures and races he traveled the known world seeking for hidden knowledge.

Str 12, int 15, Wis 13, Dex 18, Con 15, Cha 15, Cms 14


  1. Quién se hizo un druida y le puso Alanon? Yo si lo veo huyo antes que me reclute :P

  2. Jajaja, demoré bastente en darme cuenta del chiste! La verdad no recuerdo bien quien era quien. Creo que German H. era el "runecaster" y Daniel R. era el "weapon master", pero no se el resto... :)

  3. Yo pensé que era por Al(coholicos)anon(imos) jajaja... ¿que libros eran al final de donde pudo haber salido el nombre?

  4. Es de la saga de Shannara. Allanon el druida viene a ser el Gandalf de esa saga, solo que aparece a cada nueva generación de la misma familia y se lleva a los hijos de aventuras (el mundo vive en peligro :P).
    Eventualmente muere pero en los siguientes libros (The heritage of shannara) aparece el "shade of Allanon" y sigue mandando a los hijos de esa familia a salvar el mundo.



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