Thursday, January 12, 2006


This character was rolled for an AD&D 2e campaign (DM: Rolf)

Since there were many of us that never played the Temple of the Elemental Evil from the begining, new characters were rolled to begin that module. It was there I created Finloss an half-elven fighter/thief from the elven kingdom of Celene. I can't recall now what happened but we played only a couple of sessions. (DM: Rolf)

There were to be two groups of adventurers that would join forces in Hommlet. The first group from Celene were:
  • Quinath Leafholder, an elven fighter/magic-user from Celene. (Javier R.)
  • Axhatl, a human archer/ranger from the Welkwood forest (German H.)
  • Finloss, a half-elven fighter/thief (Gabriel P.)
The other group from Veluna were:
  • Ralsa-Lul, a human paladin of St. Cuthbert (Martin F.)
  • Jon Hathleath, a human cleric of St. Cuthbert (Eduardo B.)
  • Eric, a human cavalier (Sebastian R.)
Finnloss (Finthlanthualos was his elven name) was a rude, tough and dexterous fighter/thief from Enstad the capital city of Celene. Not very good looking people response to him was initially negative, but he was charismatic enough to change that reaction.

Str 18/47, Int 12, Wis 10, Dex 18, Con 15, Cha 14, Cms 7


  1. Many years later, Quinath Leafholder made his appearance in a campaign I DMed based on the Maure Castle articles published in Dragon magazine.

  2. I remember an epic combat where Qinath and Finloss fought and killed an ogre in the Gnarley forest, while they were tavelling from Celene to Hommlet.



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