Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Don't let the trolls win

It's sad to see two very interesting RPG-related blogs to go down in a few days. I'm talking about Michael "Chgowiz" Shorten's "Old Guy RPG" blog and Christopher Brackett's "A Rust Monster Ate My Sword" blog. The former has been taken is off-line by its owner and the latter won't be seeing any update for the time being.

I specially didn't referred to those blogs as "OSR-related" because they covered many other, equally interesting, topics. I very much respect the reasons that each one had to made their decisions. Maybe I don't agree but I respect them and hope to see both online soon. And if not, others will come forward and pick their flags to carry on.


  1. It sure is a bad time when two really good guys fall victim to this outburst of unpleasantness. I suspected that Chgowiz might just have had enough, especially if the comments are now turning ad hominem. And Chris B putting RMAMS into hibernation is just saddening.

    Whatever side of the line we fall in this storm, we would do well to realise that vituperative outbursts do have consequences. I find it depressing (but not surprising) that a large number of the really unpleasant commenters hide behind the Anonymous mask. If they don't have the courage to put a name to a comment, what right have they to respect?

    And before I go, Gabriel, welcome to my blog also. Your presence is much appreciated.

  2. I totally agree with everything you say. I think Chris B. entered in suspended mode, not because of the Anonymous comment, but as way to make a point and show his support to Chgowiz.

    Thank you, your presence here is appreciated too.



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