Monday, March 08, 2010


Last friday when I got home there was a note from the postman that they had a package for me at the post office. Since they don't work on weekends, and I couldn't go on their office hours, today my wife went to get it. So, I came from work and there it was on my desk, a perfectlly bound cardboard box from Lulu and a post-it from her that today dinner was on me. I finally have in my hands the Labyrinth Lord's Advanced Edition Companion from Goblinoid Games! The binding and printing of the book are of great quality. The artwork is so old-school, I love it. Enough, I'm off to read it and plan my next capaign. Uh-oh, wait, I have to make dinner. :-)


  1. I've got the non-artwork one (free download, I'm such a cheapskate) and it is definitely a superb piece of work. With this and the original LL, I'm going to be playing 1e again (or something so like it as to make no difference). My DM wasn't too keen on OSRIC (not sure why) but he's taken with the LL combination, so that's sorted.

  2. @Daddy Grognard - I had the non-artwork AEC sent for being member of the Labyrinth Lord Society, but wanted to have original too. Good luck with your 1e/LL campaign!



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