Monday, March 28, 2011

The day I became a dad

Now finally at home and with some time to write, I proudly anounce that my son Ivan was born by C-section on March 23rd. Mom and baby are in good health, and we're all very happy (though a bit tired and sleepy :>).

I guess my DMing of the Blackmoor and Maure Castle games will be on pause for some time (not too long I hope), as well as my participation on the Millenium's End game. I'll try to keep up with the Google Wave game though. ;-)


  1. Congratulation on the newest addition to your family! My wife is due April 12th, and we are expecting a little girl, so I am right there in the same boat as you.

  2. Congrats!!! Very, very cool.

  3. Congratulations! And welcome, Ivan, to the wonderful world of RPGs.

    But first - diapers. ;)

    - Ark

  4. Congratulations! March 23rd is also my father's birthday.

  5. Anonymous11:00 PM

    Congratulations! Fatherhood is a great thing.
    Hope to see you posting again in about 8 weeks. :)

  6. Thanks all!

    @Shane: Let's hope the boat doesn't rock al all!

    @Tim: Yeah, coolest thing ever.

    @Ark: Ah, the diaper monster, a stinky fellow that one...

    @Jag: It's my wife's mother too. What a better gift than a grandson?

  7. @Mike: Thanks! LOL, hope to post sooner than that.

  8. Anonymous2:42 AM

    Congratulations! may you have more sons to come!! LOL....

    financial help for single Dads

  9. Just think of all the important milestones ahead for your first born:

    * 1st miniature figure
    * 1st set of dice
    * 1st TPK

    Congratulations to you and the Mrs., Gabe!



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